Gp2x-mancala V1.01 Ported


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2004
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ZX-81 ported Mancala to the Gp2x! From his website:

"Hi All,

Mancala is a board game familly, originated in East Africa. The word "Mancala"
came from arabic word "naqalah" that means literaly "To move". GP2XMancala
is the "Awari" variant, and even if the rule of this game is simple,
the complexity can be compared to chess Game.

The AI is based on the source code of H. Huseby & G.T. Lines, for their
implementation of the classical Minimax algorithm.

GP2XMancala is a port of my PSP version.

Big big thanks to Julien who ported my PSP GnuGNO to GP2X

How to use it ? Everything is in the README.txt file.

Sources are included, and this package is under the GNU public license,
read COPYING.txt file for more information about it.

How to play ? Here is the rules available from :

Awari is played on a board where each player owns 6 pits. In the initial
position, all pits are filled with four stones, thus the initial position has
48 stones.

The player to move chooses one of its own, nonempty pits and removes all
stones from the pit. The player then sows the stones, counterclockwise, over
the remaining pits.

If the last stone is sown into an enemy pit that contains 2 or 3 stones
after sowing, the stones are captured.

In this case, if the second last pit is also an enemy pit that contains 2 or
3 stones, they are captured as well, and this process is repeated clockwise,
until the own pit, or an enemy pit containing less than 2 or more than 3
stones is reached.

The player who captures most stones, wins the game. The game end when a
player cannot move, however, to avoid such a situation early in the game, it
is not allowed to do a move that leaves the opponent without countermove,
unless all moves eradicate the opponent.

Special thanks to all GP2X-SDK developpers.



He mentions that his account is blocked, is there any way someone can approve it?
:lol: yeeaaah!!!! Thank you ZX81. ;) When the THOMSON emu and SAM? :P The GP2X don't have those machines emulated.
Ops and ZX80 EMU ;) .
:lol: yeeaaah!!!! Thank you ZX81. ;) When the THOMSON emu and SAM? :P The GP2X don't have those machines emulated.
Ops and ZX80 EMU ;) .
It should come soon :D
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Nice little port there, Zx-81. Mancala's one of those games that I fiddle with in the same way that most people fiddle with Go (i.e. try and work out the rules, play a couple of games, lose a lot, and give up... sometimes repeatedly lol). Good fun for times when I cba to overclock - although I think for the most part I'll stick with Julias' port of your PSP port of GnuGO for train-time mind-stretching games :)
:lol: yeeaaah!!!! Thank you ZX81. ;) When the THOMSON emu and SAM? :P The GP2X don't have those machines emulated.
Ops and ZX80 EMU ;) .
Yes, the TO7-70 emulator would be great, that would remind me school time!

And again, thanks to ZX-81 for Mancala (I am still looking for a right strategy...), and also for GNUGo2x, that would not exist without him!
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