Nubs on new pandora don't work right


Apr 20, 2006
I just received my 1GHz pandora last Wednesday and I noticed that the right nub did not work properly. After using it for the weekend I realized that the left nub also has a problem. I have been trying a bunch of stuff out and came to the conclusion that it is the controller for the nubs that must not work. When I turn on the Pandora, the left nub works perfectly to control the mouse cursor for about 5 seconds. After that the mouse barely moves in the upper-right diagonal direction. The right nub stops working in pretty much any direction. I think the auto calibration is somehow failing and stopping the nubs from working correctly. I ran the Pandora input tester and when I move the right nub, it usually just moves to the bottom left corner and stays around that area.

Since i am in the USA, hopefully I can send it in to Link for RMA instead of having to ship it back to the UK, since I bought it from Craig.
Are you using the newest version of the Firmware? Super Zaxxon v151, there are some updates to the Nub voltage levels that fixes some issues people have been having..

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Yeah, one of the first things I tried was flashing Super Zaxxon 1.51. That did not seem to make any difference at all in how the nubs acted.
Try moving them around a bit more.

Some nubs need some playing before they work properly.

I had the same issue on my personal unit: They worked for a few minutes, then only into one direction, and after a two weeks of usage, they worked fine.
How long should I move it around? I have moved the left nub constantly for about 60 seconds and that just seemed to make it worse. Would they need to be moved around that long every time I turn it on because I don't leave the Pandora running all the time.
This may sound funny, but power off and take the battery out for a minute or two.. this seemed to fix it one time for me when it was acting up.
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How long should I move it around? I have moved the left nub constantly for about 60 seconds and that just seemed to make it worse. Would they need to be moved around that long every time I turn it on because I don't leave the Pandora running all the time.

It's a physical thing, about the surfaces being "rubbed in". Therefore, the Pandora does not have to be on at all. You just have to move around the nubs, try to cover the surface equally. When they are rubbed in, they're ready and don't have to be treated anymore. Imagine it kind of like the cylinders in your car being run in.
Doing this while the Pandora is on will not instantly lead to success.

The nubs calibrate while using, so if you rub them in a lot, the calibration goes weird and you won't get them to work before a reboot.

It also might not work instantly - as said, mine needed about a week of rubbing in - each time they worked better and after about a week they worked properly.
I'll give it a shot. Hopefully that will make it work. And just for the fun of it I will remove the battery for a few minutes as well.
OK so it has been 2 weeks since I received my Pandora and the nubs are definitely not getting any better. I came home today to play around some more with it and now it seems to have and LCD problem. I turned on the Pandora and the screen never came on so I waited until the SD lights stopped flashing and then tried Fn+I just in case the backlight was somehow not turning on and that did nothing. So I tried moving the screen and it came on. I made a video to show the problem. I took off the bottom to make sure the LCD cable was inserted all the way, and it was. I unhooked it and reinserted the cable just in case but it made no difference. Now I really need to send it in to get it repaired.

Here is the video:
Hmmm, it's the same cable we're using for two years now, but I've seen a couple ones fail with the last deliveries... seems like we catched a few.bad ones here.

I'll definitely repair your unit.
Not sure if Link does nubs, but LCD Cables should work.

Just ask him :)

I'll send him whatever he needs.