Nubs Losing Mouse Binding on Desktop?[Solved] easily by prometheus


Still Fresh
Aug 7, 2010
New pandora owner here (for about a week now). Twice now i've lost nub control (Non Responsive) but only on the desktop (it still shows as active in input tester).

A reflash fixes it but to be honest im pretty sure im just managing to bork a script that binds the nubs to mouse control on desktop(so reflashing is way overkill).

anyone got any ideas on how to fix this?
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Reflashing does indeed seem like overkill for this. :P

In the Settings section of the Pandora-menu, is an option called Nubs. Clicking this, and then choosing "Restore default settings for both nubs" and clicking "Ok" should solve whatever's happening, although obviously it won't help you in getting to the bottom of why it's occurring.

I don't suppose you've lost the mousing ability after using an app that changes the setting of the nubs, such as Mupen64Plus (which switches them from mouse-mode to joystick-mode), by any chance, have you? Sometimes they don't get set back to their original state afterwards. That one seems to come up every now and then, judging by the content of the support section both here and on the other forums at
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thanks prometheus that seems to have fixed it.

pretty sure your right about Mupen last time it stopped was after i had to stop mupen after it hung for ages(crashed).

must have left nubs in a messy place

lol now nub config won't exit hah!
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^ It has a slightly confusing exit method. Once you've clicked "Ok" to confirm the mode-reset, you need to click "Cancel" to exit the settings dialogue for it. (The same applies to some other things as well, such as the LCD settings dialogue, for example.)

Anyway, glad to be of assistance! :)
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