Emu advances have been pretty good. PSX (via PCSXreARMed) is near perfect at factory 600mhz thanks to stellar work from Notaz and Exophase. Mupen64 is not quite at that level but has still advanced - smooth Mario64 at 600mhz tells the story there. Some overclocking definitely helps here, I think everyone can push 800-900mhz easily, some much further.
We have Saturn (via Yabause), also courtesy of Ari64 (who still doesn't have his Pandora!*). Its performance is not dizzying but it's an impressive appearance on the Pandora none the less. Dreamcast is missing in action, we all hope for something good there.
For arcade stuff we have a very recent port of FinalBurn Alpha (see software forum for the current thread). It caters to lots of truly classic fighters (SFA, MVC) and shmups (Mars Matrix, DoDonPachi), and is more optimised for these than MAME.
Mcobit and IngoReis have been showing off their port of Qemu for the upcoming Rebirth competition, which will offer Pentium level x86 emulation that can handle Starcraft. Lots of videos in their thread in the dev forum.
And lots of other bits and pieces, sorted here by date:
Hmm, didn't mean my post to be that long. tl;dr - plenty of good stuff.