BTW: Do you think I should write more text news posts or talk to you in videos?
If video is needed, like to show off a finished prototype and the state of the testing software, as long as video editing isn't too demanding on time, a quick video is awesome.
It was really good to see you looking refreshed. You may have sounded a little exhausted in the last one.
The picture posts of the cases by the new company were nice. It probably would have been a little over the top if that was a video. I think since the pyra is something that moves in your hands, seeing it in action which means it needs to be assembled.
Could the pyra phone have been a picture post with some text? Maybe. But since this was a first reveal it was cool to see it in a video.
Have the past text posts been informative enough? Yes. Your posts on details of the case progress, board progress, component process has usually been spot on.
When the units are finally ready to be posted, we don't need a video of them being loaded on a truck. A text post I think will be fine
I think variety has been very important. If it was all text the pyra may not seem realy. All pictures and it might not be alive. All video and I'd worry that it was being over sold. Although it's far from the PGS