No Emulators For Almost A Month Now.

CKeichel said:
ColdRush said:
But what it's gotten is what every open source console should have from the start. Really all we have are emulators and very few games developed specifically for Caanoo. If Notaz ever ports Ginge to Caanoo, that would be another story.
Sorry, but how should any open source console should have anything "from the start"? You guys are much to demanding, the Caanoo is on the market for less then 6 months now, there are already about 30 emulators available and over a dozen interpreters have been ported.

True - but a lot of homebrew games are missing (WIZ has over 200 and Caanoo only about 50).
For emualation, it's quite okay, MAME Multiplayer with WiFi is awesome!

The issue is that basically most of the WIZ games could've been simply recompiled, as the specs are very similar.
However, most devs of the homebrew games on the WIZ didn't get a Caanoo, as it doesn't offer much more to them.

I REALLY hope this will become better in the future, as the Caanoo is a nice device, and I like the bigger LCD better than the small WIZ one.

I might also take a look at some WIZ games - quite a few should use BennuGD or Fenix (do we have Fenix on the Caanoo?), so those could be wrapped up for the Caanoo within a few minutes.
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EvilDragon said:
A lot of devs who already had the WIZ probably didn't want to buy the Caanoo just to recompile their games without any speed gain or anything...

My case is may be not representative, but since i got a Caanoo and don't touch the Wiz. The dev environnment, system stability, easy usb ethernet, fast boot process, are for me real / major improvements. My dev-life is much easier on a Caanoo, it's really convenient to dev on it (even if the best dev portable plateform still remain the pandora of course, since you can compile directly on the console :) ).
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I don't have a caanoo, but I wanted to buy one before it was even released. I liked the G-Sensor idea and the rumble stuff, because i could've improved audiorace.
But really, there's one flaw which hindered me from buying: the few pixels that are covered by the bezel. That's picky, I know, but well thats how I am ;)

I've tried to order a second batch pandora now, because it hopefully offers more over the Wiz dev-wise, but no answer from ED yet (hint! ;))
ColdRush said:
If Ginge came to Caanoo then our game library would expand greatly, that has nothing to do with being specifically for Caanoo, just in general. You may be satisfied with whats currently out there but for a $150 wiz successor I expected a bit more than a bunch of wiz ports, that's just my opinion.

So let me get this straight. You're moaning about the lack of software developed specifically for the Canoe, but that you'd a lot happier if you had a bunch of GP2X games to play on it? Is that what you're saying?

On-topic - I develop for the Pandora now, having moved from the GP2X. I gave the Wiz and Canoe a very wide berth - I had no intention of ever buying a GPH console again, and still don't. Maybe that's one reason people don't develop for it? It's not that the Pandora has "stolen" developers, it's just that GPH are complete twonks and always will be.

I mean - come on, how can the Pandora "steal" devs? Surely GPH would release a console that "steals" them back again, yes? Of course they would, yes? They've known what the Pandora is capable of for... years now, surely. They'd release a competitor, so they can "steal" devs from the Pandora.

...and have they?

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Dunny said:
On-topic - I develop for the Pandora now, having moved from the GP2X. I gave the Wiz and Canoe a very wide berth - I had no intention of ever buying a GPH console again, and still don't. Maybe that's one reason people don't develop for it? It's not that the Pandora has "stolen" developers, it's just that GPH are complete twonks and always will be.

I'm sure you've got personal/good reasons not to like GPH at all, but i can't see any facts in your comment/critism. What i can see for the Caanoo from my personal experience is that GPH provides everything that is needed to dev on it, a SDK + documentation, samples / examples, kernel sources, and they have always answered my technical questions in this forum or even by email/tchat. That's a real pleasure for me to have this level of support as a homebrew coder, and i haven't seen anything similar with any other portable console scene.

I won't speak about pandora, i don't want this topic to become a troll on GPH vs Pandora.
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zx-81 said:
Dunny said:
On-topic - I develop for the Pandora now, having moved from the GP2X. I gave the Wiz and Canoe a very wide berth - I had no intention of ever buying a GPH console again, and still don't. Maybe that's one reason people don't develop for it? It's not that the Pandora has "stolen" developers, it's just that GPH are complete twonks and always will be.

I'm sure you've got personal/good reasons not to like GPH at all, but i can't see any facts in your comment/critism. What i can see for the Caanoo from my personal experience is that GPH provides everything that is needed to dev on it, a SDK + documentation, samples / examples, kernel sources, and they have always answered my technical questions in this forum or even by email/tchat. That's a real pleasure for me to have this level of support as a homebrew coder, and i haven't seen anything similar with any other portable console scene.

I won't speak about pandora, i don't want this topic to become a troll on GPH vs Pandora.

That's not what I meant, and it's pretty obvious it's not. GPH screwed up, the GP2X was a huge disappointment and so was the Wiz - they even tried to use two D-pads for god's sakes, and their hardware problems are inexcusable - no Wireless dongle (which was promised) for the Wiz and that screen just rotted away before people's eyes... For those reasons, I shall not buy (or develop for) a GPH unit ever again. I don't care how good the Canoe is, they had their chance and blew it.

Maybe that's why very few people give a damn about developing for the Canoe?

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Dunny said:

Don't want to say anything against your personal believes, but maybe, just maybe, it would help to write the name of the console, you are rambling about, correct. At least is you consider to be taken seriously.
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CKeichel said:
Dunny said:

Don't want to say anything against your personal believes, but maybe, just maybe, it would help to write the name of the console, you are rambling about, correct. At least is you consider to be taken seriously.

Look up! You'll miss it!

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If we're going to talk about hardware faults I think it's only fair to mention that Pandora has had more than it's share of hardware issues too.

If GPh had built the Pandora these fora would be absolutely frothing with vitriol and hate.

Two-faced much.
coldfis said:
If we're going to talk about hardware faults I think it's only fair to mention that Pandora has had more than it's share of hardware issues too.

If GPh had built the Pandora these fora would be absolutely frothing with vitriol and hate.

Two-faced much.

Erm, no, you're wrong - go back and read my posts again. Pandora got the design right and have, at last, delivered what they promised. They haven't done what got GPH into so much trouble and oh... I dunno, used shitty controls TWICE or THREE TIMES IN A ROW, or failed to deliver a Wifi addon that was promised to be "just around the corner" or withheld GPL'd source code to the firmware, or delivered a console with known issues - and continue to do so after those issues became known (pixel plague) rather than fix the problem... At least OPT do actually try to fix these issues, GPH only removed the two d-pads when distributors threatened not to sell it (and thus hurt GPH's bottom-line).

And now they market the Canoe with a significant portion of the screen covered by the casing, with no intention of fixing it. They market coding competitions and then fail to actually deliver anything to do. They promise shitloads of new software and then fail to deliver, and only get worried when people stop buying their hardware.

OPT started this for the hardware, for the love of the device and the community. GPH do it for money.

GPH are a reprehensible outfit and deserve no more of my cash - I've spent money on two consoles from them and been badly disappointed with both. I've spent less than that on a Pandora and am very happy with it.

So why should I buy a Canoe?

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Dunny said:
coldfis said:
If we're going to talk about hardware faults I think it's only fair to mention that Pandora has had more than it's share of hardware issues too.

If GPh had built the Pandora these fora would be absolutely frothing with vitriol and hate.

Two-faced much.

Erm, no, you're wrong - go back and read my posts again. Pandora got the design right and have, at last, delivered what they promised. They haven't done what got GPH into so much trouble and oh... I dunno, used shitty controls TWICE or THREE TIMES IN A ROW, or failed to deliver a Wifi addon that was promised to be "just around the corner" or withheld GPL'd source code to the firmware, or delivered a console with known issues - and continue to do so after those issues became known (pixel plague) rather than fix the problem... At least OPT do actually try to fix these issues, GPH only removed the two d-pads when distributors threatened not to sell it (and thus hurt GPH's bottom-line).

And now they market the Canoe with a significant portion of the screen covered by the casing, with no intention of fixing it. They market coding competitions and then fail to actually deliver anything to do. They promise shitloads of new software and then fail to deliver, and only get worried when people stop buying their hardware.

OPT started this for the hardware, for the love of the device and the community. GPH do it for money.

GPH are a reprehensible outfit and deserve no more of my cash - I've spent money on two consoles from them and been badly disappointed with both. I've spent less than that on a Pandora and am very happy with it.

So why should I buy a Canoe?


Please, never buy a Caanoo, I wouldn't stand this whiny tone, if you realease something and start explaining, that it's problems are all caused by GPH's faults.
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@CKeichel: +1, but i won't feed that troll anymore :D

back-to-topic: what emulators are missing in the first place on caanoo ? If they were working fine on gp2x f100, if the source code is available, then i can try to port some of them :P
CKeichel said:
Please, never buy a Caanoo, I wouldn't stand this whiny tone, if you realease something and start explaining, that it's problems are all caused by GPH's faults.

I'm just going to carry on like you didn't actually say that - let's call it a failure of your debating skills, yes? You're obviously stuck for a decent retort to my arguments, so let's put it another way:

Which of my points above, which prevent me from buying a Canoe, are actually incorrect?

I've been developing software for a variety of platforms for quite a long time now. I've written games, emulators, apps for my workplace, you name it - I've had a go at it. So I'd say I'm fairly representative of your average developer. And I've decided not to develop for GPH devices for the reasons named in my previous posts. If I'm a reasonable representation of an average developer, then surely you've got quite a few reasons why there's very little activity for the Canoe going on, whereas development for other handhelds is on-going (and let's not mention the Pandora - what about the NDS? The homebrew scene for that is explosive and continues to be so).

And you're wondering why nobody (or very few people) want to develop for GPH? Are you actively developing for it? If not, why not?

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zx-81 said:
@CKeichel: +1, but i won't feed that troll anymore :D

back-to-topic: what emulators are missing in the first place on caanoo ? If they were working fine on gp2x f100, if the source code is available, then i can try to port some of them :P

I bet some people (including me) would love you for an Amiga and Atari ST emulator.
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