No Color In Gnuboy

like claym99 said. i used to have one of the two originals and i'm pretty sure it wasn't a gameboy color ("dx") game, just a regular gameboy game, possibly with the fixed 4-color bg and 4-color sprite palettes that gameboy color used when showing older games.
purple_goat posted on Dec 30 2006 at 11:02 PM said:
okay so i download gnuboy and the pokemon red version( :P ) rom
and i realize that its a gameboy rom...... but as i remeber it had color.... any help?

This is just a guess on my part, but try renaming it to <game_name>.gbc and see what happens.
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saehn posted on Dec 30 2006 at 10:50 PM said:
purple_goat posted on Dec 30 2006 at 11:02 PM said:
okay so i download gnuboy and the pokemon red version( :P ) rom
and i realize that its a gameboy rom...... but as i remeber it had color.... any help?

This is just a guess on my part, but try renaming it to <game_name>.gbc and see what happens.
didnt work <_< (it was the first thing i tried, i would post without a try :P )
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Even then it isn't really in colour, it just replaces the shades of grey with whatever colours you choose.
When Nintendo launched the GBC they included a special pallette in the GBC to choose appropriate colour shading for a large number of the most popular games. Games not included in this were just given the default green mapping.

I think that in order for GnuBoy to repeat this special pallette, some kind of image from the GB hardware would need to be included in the emulator, thus making the emulator dodgy as it would have official Nintendo code included in it so if Nintendo found out they would be justified in complaining to the author.
yeah, like i said, the gameboy color applied super game boy (or sgb-like?) colors to the b&w games. the 4 shades of gray got split into 8 colors, 4 for background, 4 for foreground. or at least it seems that way to me. i think with pokemon red the background was red and the player was green or something. also, if i remember correctly, you couldn't change this, whereas with other games you could. so gamefreak probably published pokemon after the gbc had been designed, but not with enough time to design the game in full color.

it's too bad that gnuboy apparently doesn't handle it, but i can't blame the author as it seems like a rather hackish thing anyway. it seems like with the pc emulators, only some of them handle it...

i still have my game boy color, it's a great system. unfortunately i don't really need to play it since i bought myself an SP a while back. backlit screen and all that, kind of hard to downgrade from that :)

edit: typos
The Pokémon games had the SuperGameBoy mode colours and a background border.

The first colour Pokémon game was Pokémon Yellow which mimicked the SuperGameBoy colours.

The colour you get is a graded HP bar that goes green to red when HP are critical and the Pokémon will be close to their intended colour (i.e. Pikachu will be yellow, Charmander will be orange)

SGB palletes in GNUboy would be nice, as would reading the SGB backgrounds.
PokeParadox posted on Feb 3 2007 at 10:45 AM said:
The Pokémon games had the SuperGameBoy mode colours and a background border.

The first colour Pokémon game was Pokémon Yellow which mimicked the SuperGameBoy colours.

The colour you get is a graded HP bar that goes green to red when HP are critical and the Pokémon will be close to their intended colour (i.e. Pikachu will be yellow, Charmander will be orange)

SGB palletes in GNUboy would be nice, as would reading the SGB backgrounds.
is somebody working on that?
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