ED, Thankyou so much for this! -VBA just wasn't quite good enough for gb/gbc (I half played LOZ: Oracle of Seasons before it wiped over the .sav file).
It seems to work great on everything i've tried it on -one quick question though, is the slightly brownish tint on white colours intentional as a means of emulating the original gameboy's brownish screen, or a glitch, as it seems to be present with gbc games as well (which, i think didn't have the tint... actually I don't really remember now :s).
Also I appreciate the fullscreen scaling -I've never been a fan of vertical borders .
Great work
[Edit: Aaaargh I think there's something wrong with my eyes XD -Gnuboy does show white's properly for GBC, I'm not sure why I thought it didn't before, it still has a subtle tint, but then looking at old screenshots of some gbc games it did too, I think i've been fooled into thinking otherwise from other emulators XD]
I've been using the latest version off the File Archive and after choosing any of the screen options, I get dumped back to the menu. Am I doing something wrong?