No Cheat/action Reply Codes For 7Th Gen Consoles. Bummer.


Dec 29, 2006
I don't own a 7th gen console, other than a DSi. I ALWAYS cheat when playing games. I was thinking of getting a Wii/XBOX360/PS3 but found out there are no cheat codes available, only powersaves for Wii. Bummer. I guess this is because of the complexity of 7th gen consoles. I'll stick to emulation and save state hacking.
You could always learn to play properly or practice until you are a better gamer! :P

Cheats never prosper (but they do get to skip crap levels!)
Wow what a way to ruin games.

I cannot imagine buying a brand new game then ruining all the challenge and fun by just cheating my way though it. Weird.
craigix said:
Wow what a way to ruin games.

I cannot imagine buying a brand new game then ruining all the challenge and fun by just cheating my way though it. Weird.
It was actually quite fun in the old GTA games where the story sucked. Instead of having to trawl through a load of pointless missions to unlock weapons you could just slap a code in.
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rsuryase said:
I don't own a 7th gen console, other than a DSi. I ALWAYS cheat when playing games. I was thinking of getting a Wii/XBOX360/PS3 but found out there are no cheat codes available, only powersaves for Wii. Bummer. I guess this is because of the complexity of 7th gen consoles. I'll stick to emulation and save state hacking.

For XBOX 360 there is this:*180354/action*2563

Sorry, no time to look for an english site, but if you search for "Action Replay" you should find something.

- Emnasut
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Cheating releases endorphins in me :lol: By nature, I think most humans like to cheat.

You know those crazy Japanese shooter games with God mode, trying winning them without cheat codes. :P

As for RPG, it can save lots of time from leveling up.
rsuryase said:
I don't own a 7th gen console, other than a DSi. I ALWAYS cheat when playing games. I was thinking of getting a Wii/XBOX360/PS3 but found out there are no cheat codes available, only powersaves for Wii. Bummer. I guess this is because of the complexity of 7th gen consoles. I'll stick to emulation and save state hacking.

Actually, you can cheat on the wii, look up the homebrew scene for it,
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Cheating helps me finish games.
Take Mass Effect 2, cheating left me skip the horrid scanning game. In FFX, it allowed me to just see the ending, I was kinda done with it after 50+ hours, but still wanted the ending. In Hitman, they allow me to save how many times I want, so I can explore the levels without having to redo the same bits over and over again because some dude rounded a corner at the wrong time (and killing everyone in easy difficulty level is much less satisfying than figuring out the puzzle.)
I think I've used cheats to mess around with games as well, like in CIV or simcity.

Anyway, I'm much rather finish a game then become a pro at it, I don't have the time or the patience to be a good gamer, and a lot of games don't have easy mode. I'd much rather have the ability to cheat than have achievements. But I thinks aren't made to be finished anymore, you play one for a few hours and then you skip to the next shinier one.
I really don't get why one needs cheating with todays games. I've finished pretty much all my ps3-games cause they are so easy and have so many savepoints. In comparison, I haven't finished most of my megadrive-collection, cause games were a lot harder and had no way to save at all (didn't have cheating modules back then), I'm finally finishing some of them today, on my dingoo :D .
I'd quite happily cheat so i could have more trophies! (if only they didn't disable them!) There is an art to cheating and i'm pretty good at it. Take GTAIV for example, it's much more fun with cheats enabled - as is RDR

My morals went to hell years ago B)
craigix said:
Wow what a way to ruin games.

I cannot imagine buying a brand new game then ruining all the challenge and fun by just cheating my way though it. Weird.

Depends on the game. I wouldn't mind a cheat to get through the mindless grind of FFX-2 and finish the story.
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I think it does depend on the game. Cheats can eliminate the frustration due to cheap deaths, crack shot A.I., or poor collision detection. Hell, GTA3's cars felt like they were made of paper. Sure it made you a better driver but I was screaming half the time. Sometimes they can make a bad game playable.

I cheat on games that suck, games I already passed, and games I just have spent way too much time on. I think cheating is ok if you're still getting your moneys worth. If the game is just fun then there is no reason to cheat, if you feel the need to cheat and you haven't passed it before then it is just a sucky game, period.

Games that suck, i.e. games that have poor coding or are just overly hard, I just get a kick out of cheating. I get so frustrated with the stupid freaking game that I love to get infinite life or ammo and just go to town. A lot of 8 bit and 16 bit games are this way. . .
Cheating is great for "content tourists", nothing bad about it in single-player games.