Hideo Kojima On The Next-gen Consoles...


FI5H Agent
Nov 22, 2004
University of Bradford
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Taken from Boomtown

Are the new console platforms fulfilling what it’s makers promise?

I actually haven’t started developing on the new consoles yet. My impression is, for PS3 Sony is aiming for a very high level. I’m not sure if everyone can live up to that high standard that Sony is expecting. So if everyone is expected to meet that high level, I am not sure that every creator, every publisher will be able to meet these high expectations. For Xbox 360, it’s a little bit more down to earth, more realistic so people maybe can join easily to start creating on the 360. Speaking about Revolution, there are still a lot of secrets and I don’t know everything but from what I heard like you could connect your portables or you could play old games, I get the impression that the developers could create games on less budget or create titles that are not super high expensive in cost. If you allow me to express the three hardware platforms in a funny example, PS3 would be like a dinner that you only have once a year or twice a year on your anniversary etc.

Xbox 360 will still be a special dinner so you might go there two or three times a month on the weekend or something. Revolution is the kind of great dinner that you have everyday at your home. What I want to emphasize is that all three are dinners meaning that they have a salad, they have a soup and maybe have a dessert but they are a little differently, maybe other dinners have two salads or two appetizers or maybe extra coffee on top of that. The point is that they are all individualistic dinners. So if they are all dinners, like a steak dinner, the choice is up to the users and the game designers at the same time.

If the game creators and the users want to have a great steak for their anniversary, they go maybe to PS3. But if they want great dinner, great steak with their family, a little bit more casual during the weekends, they might select Xbox 360. Or why not have a great steak at your house everyday, they might choose Revolution. So my impression of the battle between the consoles is, it’s not about what kind of dinner it is. It’s more about how much the dinner will be. Will it be worth the cost of being served? Or where can I have this dinner - number of restaurants, is it near my house or do I have to take a cab or train or bus? I think the battle amongst the next-gen platforms lies in that area.
markusdragon posted on May 31 2005 at 10:17 AM said:
Taken from Boomtown

Are the new console platforms fulfilling what it’s makers promise?

I actually haven’t started developing on the new consoles yet. My impression is, for PS3 Sony is aiming for a very high level. I’m not sure if everyone can live up to that high standard that Sony is expecting. So if everyone is expected to meet that high level, I am not sure that every creator, every publisher will be able to meet these high expectations. For Xbox 360, it’s a little bit more down to earth, more realistic so people maybe can join easily to start creating on the 360. Speaking about Revolution, there are still a lot of secrets and I don’t know everything but from what I heard like you could connect your portables or you could play old games, I get the impression that the developers could create games on less budget or create titles that are not super high expensive in cost. If you allow me to express the three hardware platforms in a funny example, PS3 would be like a dinner that you only have once a year or twice a year on your anniversary etc.

Xbox 360 will still be a special dinner so you might go there two or three times a month on the weekend or something. Revolution is the kind of great dinner that you have everyday at your home. What I want to emphasize is that all three are dinners meaning that they have a salad, they have a soup and maybe have a dessert but they are a little differently, maybe other dinners have two salads or two appetizers or maybe extra coffee on top of that. The point is that they are all individualistic dinners. So if they are all dinners, like a steak dinner, the choice is up to the users and the game designers at the same time.

If the game creators and the users want to have a great steak for their anniversary, they go maybe to PS3. But if they want great dinner, great steak with their family, a little bit more casual during the weekends, they might select Xbox 360. Or why not have a great steak at your house everyday, they might choose Revolution. So my impression of the battle between the consoles is, it’s not about what kind of dinner it is. It’s more about how much the dinner will be. Will it be worth the cost of being served? Or where can I have this dinner - number of restaurants, is it near my house or do I have to take a cab or train or bus? I think the battle amongst the next-gen platforms lies in that area.


I'm Hungry
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Extended....haven't read any of bast's post before have you.
It's not that dumb, simple to understand and its true. I can't see many game developers working to the full spec of the PS3, it's just going to take to much time and time is money, so unless you want to pay £100 for a game, its not that realistic thinking by sony.
Apeiron posted on May 31 2005 at 12:50 PM said:
Extended....haven't read any of bast's post before have you.
It's not that dumb, simple to understand and its true. I can't see many game developers working to the full spec of the PS3, it's just going to take to much time and time is money, so unless you want to pay £100 for a game, its not that realistic thinking by sony.

It'd be good as a short metaphor, but three frikkin' paragraphs?

And care to make sense of this?
Or where can I have this dinner - number of restaurants, is it near my house or do I have to take a cab or train or bus?
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Or where can I have this dinner - number of restaurants, is it near my house or do I have to take a cab or train or bus?

The number of restaurants is the installed userbase, obviously, and the 'near my house' probably refers to availability. The cab/train/bus...uhh...wireless pads maybe? Connectivity? :blink:

OK, this guy has finally lost it.
i'd rather have the beer metaphor, the PS3 is like a case of Lebat Blue, expensive and great tasting, the XBOX 360 is like Michelob Golden Draft, not as good but still goes down smooth, and the Revolution would be Milwaukees Best, same old same old beer, cheap but still gets ya drunk.
That would be saying the Revolution is bad, but just about does its job.
Where as he's saying the revoltion is something that you could play/create games for everyday and never get tired of it.
As for the cab/resterant thing, he's stating that theres nice resterants all around (nice game consoles) but some are miles away and take more time and money to get to. Why would you go all that way, when you can get a equally nice dinner/game at your doorstep. Refering to the Revolution, because ther games that it is capable of making are as good as you need them to be and not so costly and time consuming.
see i didn't take it that way, he said the Revolution is like a great dinner you have everyday. I take that as being repetitive and eventually you get bored of it, where as if you eat dinner everyday but still go out everyonce in a while then you have the xbox360, you still have your dinners everyday, but has extras to spice it up, which would be the reference to going to the restaraunt every once and a while. Same with the PS3, but the Revolution is just the same ol same old.

Thats my take on it at least.
I'm starting to feel as if i'm dating the 3 consoles....
NR= A meal to cook at home and never get tired of it, a favourite dish...
XB360=a weekend treat at a local resterant
PS3=A special meal for an annerversiry etc.
what's all this got to do with any of my posts anyways :-P

*/me enjoying my infamy*

not to sound like too much of a fanboy, but for a bona fide developer to say something like Kojima has said here, I think that is all the proof I need that the PS3 MUST be just that much more powerful than the 360... until now I was starting to believe that what Sony was saying was all hype and that the two systems would actually be very close together in performance. Though it does seem that it may be a long time before we see it's full power get put to real use so they will SEEM to be very close together.
no, more like those games that truly showcase its power will be few, once in a while 'anniversary' games since it'll be hard to harness all cpu cores near full efficiency..i'm guessing.
who knows, the ps3 better deliver, though.