Nk's New Emulators


Oct 15, 2005
Seoul, Republic of Korea
The SNES has sound though it plays very slowly (still? this is my first try with it). The NEOGEO CD emu has received a significant speedup. And I am perfectly happy with no sound for that. The NES emu is almost there. Still some graphical glitches in SMB3 and Ninja Gaiden 2 (the only 2 games I've tested so far). Ninja Gaiden 2 seemed almost full speed while SMB3 was slow in parts.

If NK can do this in such a short time, the future is indeed looking great. I can hardly wait for full speed Genesis and TG16.
huh? did he update em all again in the last few days or something or are you going on about old news lol, i agree the snes emulator is a beauty, slow but still kickass
huh? did he update em all again in the last few days or something or are you going on about old news lol, i agree the snes emulator is a beauty, slow but still kickass
anyone have a rough date we can expect a significant upgrade in speed for the snes emu? not to push anything, im just curious

btw the nes emu is looking quite nice. very pleased with my system thus far :)
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well i got the snes one today, it worked slow but no problems otherwise, looked b-e-a-utiful as bruce almighty would put it EDIT: on another note, what you think is the likelihood of a GBA emulator anytime soon? i assume not too good
Check the main page on the right. New updates as of today or yesterday. NES was compiled on Nov. 26th and I think Nov. 27th for SNES/NEOGEO CD.

edit: left -> right

I don't know about the rest of the world but it is still the 26th here, and was 5 hours ago when i downloaded the file....
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Check the main page on the right. New updates as of today or yesterday. NES was compiled on Nov. 26th and I think Nov. 27th for SNES/NEOGEO CD.

edit: left -> right

I don't know about the rest of the world but it is still the 26th here, and was 5 hours ago when i downloaded the file....

Well, in South Korea (where I am right now and, presumably, NK as well) it has been Nov. 27th for almost 14h as of right now.
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Anyone know of a way to exit the SNES and NES emulators? Or at least get back to the ROM selection screen?
Click and hold the joystick and press R.

The SNES emulator is actually *slower*; I wonder what was updated in it. There was only one game I played on the first version that came near full-speed, and it was Aero the Acro-Bat. It ran at a healthy 22 fps or so, but is now limited to around 6-8 fps. The others seem to run at the same speed or ~1 fps slower.

The NES emulator has no noticeable differences in what I've seen. There are still compatability problems, at least with the graphics in some roms.

The NeoCD emulator does seem a bit faster, around 5 fps or even more. A very good improvement there.

Can't wait 'til his next set of releases. As it was, I used the NeoCD emulator to impress my friends with the capability of this machine. Very good work.
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EDIT: on another note, what you think is the likelihood of a GBA emulator anytime soon? i assume not too good

Actually very likely! The GP2X and the GBA use the same processor ( albeit the GP2X's is much faster)... So when doing emulation, the GBA processor doesn't even need to be emulated... This means that without having to emulate the processor the chances of a fullspeed GBA emu are quite good... I believe there is one in the works right now for the GP32, it can run halfway decently from what i've heard...
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FFNoir, do you have any proof to back up this claim?

According to wikipedia, the GP2X has:
ARM920T (host 200 MHz) + ARM940T (200 MHz)

and the GBA has:
"a custom 32-bit 16.8-MHz ARM processor (ARM7TDMI) based on a RISC architecture"

They don't sound like the same processors, but I have no idea what I'm talking about. Does anyone have any information about this? Interpreted GBA will mean it will run better than on the PC, which will be fantastic.
Almost all ARM processors are compatible... That's the reason the DS can run GBA but not original Gameboy (the original GB ran on a Zilog80 processor at 3mhz). The DS itself is Powered by an ARM9...

I forgot about those.

But I guess it would work ok for the games that just put a useless splash screen up for the second screen, and don't use the touch screen.

Or for games ported to ARM like MarioDS/64 (I really want Mario64 on the GP2X)