Whats the highest end mame game youve been able too run.


Active Member
May 30, 2010
So people whats the most mhz guzzling mame game youve got to run yet for me its konami gx based all games run at around 80 90% with overclocking others that run so far zealer board crystal of kings but snail pace here afterburner 2 runs at about 65% with overclocking taito f3 games like rayforce and darius gaiden run at between 45 65% kaneko super nova games like cyvern and sengeki striker run around 80 90% cyvern is almost full speed strikers 1945 2 runs at 90 95 with frameskip. Anyone any high end mame games to add a compatibility list for this emu would be nice. :) :D :lol: :rolleyes:
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Ok tried a few more namco system 2 games

ordyne assault mirai ninja burning force rolling thunder 2 work overclocked too 1ghz steady at between 75 87%

irem m92 hardware rtype leo gunforce 2 hook in the hunt mystic riders all work flawlessly at stock 600mhz

sega space harrier hardware space harrier hang on sper hang on (bootleg) workfull speed super hang on req overclocking to 800mhz

Out run hardware ltd ed hang on outrun turbo outrun run at 44 56% at 1ghz

taito multi screen games ie darius darius 2 and ninja warriors dont work

darius 2 dual screen does work full speed due to different hardware configuration.

taito z system hardware chase hq special criminal inv continental circus run 97 100% at 950 mhz

Raizing hardware armed police batrider battle garrega battle bacraid run between 82 100% depending how busy screen is at 950 mhz

psykyo 1st gen strikers 1945 gunbird run full speed at 950 mhz.

Note all tests done on mame 106

mame4all is better optimised for earlier games so use it if your having second thoughts about overclocking. :P :D :)
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