posts like the one that started this thread go beyond fanboydom and transcend into pure a-hole-dom... really pathetic.
and kotd - sorry, you know you and I are usually cool, but you're delusional if you didn't see how great a game both Halo's were
I'm not even a huge fan of modern FPS's, but I couldn't put Halo down, nor Halo 2, playing in long stretches over a very few days to finish each one, then spending many an hour playing them online (Xlink for Halo 1, Live for Halo 2). But as the saying goes, to each their own, I guess....
It just amazes me because some games, to me, are just so universally good that I have a hard time believing that ANY one who plays games could not find something to like about them. Halo fits in that category to me... as I said I generally don't even like FPS's but somehow loved both Halo's... I generally don't like games that are M rated just for the sake of being M rated, but still loved the GTA's and Manhunt, I can't stand games that are just rehashed again and again, but have still loved every Mario/Metroid/Zelda sequel that has come out, not to mention all the remakes/rereleases like the rereleased Marios on GBA or Ocarina of Time on GC.