Nintendo Revolution To Launch With 221 Games

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Straight away when I saw that picture I knew you was american, must be the celebrating with a toy gun in hand that does it. Anyway, I'm not too sure what my opinion is on this yet, in one way it's good that they're rereleasing old games for those who enjoyed them, but then there's the possibility they'll rip people off, which they probably won't do, nintendo always want to do things on the cheap.

Um... You realize that picture was just supposed to be funny, right? If I meant it as anything else, I wouldn't have photoshopped the damn muzzle flash onto it. And also, if you look at the part under my name where it says "location," you'll notice it says Myerstown, PA, USA

By the way, since when do Americans stereotypically fire AK's into the air to celebrate? That's not the kind of thing you see in the middle east or anything, now is it? No, of course not... It can't be.
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No, actually they are using revolvers...
...And the affinity between americans (middle west, Yeehaaw...)and firearms is a well-known fact.

Plus, if i´d dress up like a paramilitary gnome :ph34r: and someone would take a photo, i´d make sure noone will ever see the results instead of posting them in my user profile...

Besides, those curtains in the Background are horrible :angry: .
I took the pictures myself, and what's the point of taking a picture if nobody's gonna see it? The 2nd one was supposed to be funny, and the first one was to show somebody one of my guns, along with the BDU's, gloves, and goggles I'd just bought.

And they're not my curtains either. Just like the cookbook, they're my mom's
Um... You realize that picture was just supposed to be funny, right? If I meant it as anything else, I wouldn't have photoshopped the damn muzzle flash onto it. And also, if you look at the part under my name where it says "location," you'll notice it says Myerstown, PA, USA

By the way, since when do Americans stereotypically fire AK's into the air to celebrate? That's not the kind of thing you see in the middle east or anything, now is it? No, of course not... It can't be.

I was just stating the obvious, that picture really did make you look so american. All americans have a certain distinction, and the way in which you celebrate with that gun there, it just looks so stereotypically american. I'll stop there though, don't want to offend too many people.
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Well, this guy could have come from anywhere!


Or him



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Um... You realize that picture was just supposed to be funny, right? If I meant it as anything else, I wouldn't have photoshopped the damn muzzle flash onto it. And also, if you look at the part under my name where it says "location," you'll notice it says Myerstown, PA, USA

By the way, since when do Americans stereotypically fire AK's into the air to celebrate? That's not the kind of thing you see in the middle east or anything, now is it? No, of course not... It can't be.

I was just stating the obvious, that picture really did make you look so american. All americans have a certain distinction, and the way in which you celebrate with that gun there, it just looks so stereotypically american. I'll stop there though, don't want to offend too many people.

Oh, no problem, I'm not offended. I just hate when people try to generalize people and believe/spread stereotypes. I just didn't get how shooting a gun into the air made me seem american.
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Oh, no problem, I'm not offended. I just hate when people try to generalize people and believe/spread stereotypes. I just didn't get how shooting a gun into the air made me seem american.
It doesn't. It was just a stupid, nonsense comment.

But yes, that conversation ends there.
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figured since this thread is dead it might be better to start a new one.
Holy Thread resurrection, Batman.
Revolution is Slated to launch at under 300 USD.
Revolution is starting to sound beter than a ladle full of gravy.

I didn't want to make a new thread for this, so I found the best unclosed thread.
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