Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed

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I play airsoft because it's fun, I don't want to be a soldier, that's probably the last thing I would want to do, I could NEVER bring myself to kill someone and even if I did I would feel really bad
Much as I hate to get involved in this discussion.....

I was once fat, I lost a lot of weight through exercise. Now I am totally buff, and very fit!

The thing is, when I was fat, I was not exactly a hit with the ladies. Now I am thin, I am attacked by gorgeous woman left right, AND centre! But I have no personality, am not funny, like Vid Games and looking at porn on the internet. I was like this when I was fat too...

So, to sum up. The greatest gaming experience of my life is never as good as sex. Ever. Ever ever ever ever ever.

Just what your priorities are. Thin and horny, fat and unverbraucht!
Just for the sake of comparison(because fishbong's too much of a fuckin retard to tell the difference), here is what I would look like if I were actually wearing a disguise... brace yourself, people


By the way, lubidog, I'm already well aware of everything you just said, except for the fact that it applied to you at some point in your life, and it doesn't really bother me.


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Magus 86 posted on Sep 18 2005 at 02:55 PM said:
relax: To take one's ease; rest(
LOL, yes that woul be a good thing to do for you... aren´t you worried about you blood pressure?
Magus 86 posted on Sep 18 2005 at 02:55 PM said:
So does that mean that if you play Kirby videogames you wish you were a fat pink ball that sucks up everything in sight and gains special powers from doing so?
I´d love to be kirby...

And i have a special ability that you won´t ever posess: Not using swear words in every second sentence. :D

C´mon, prove me wrong :P ...
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Fishbong posted on Sep 18 2005 at 12:07 PM said:
Magus 86 posted on Sep 18 2005 at 02:55 PM said:
relax: To take one's ease; rest(
LOL, yes that woul be a good thing to do for you... aren´t you worried about you blood pressure?
Magus 86 posted on Sep 18 2005 at 02:55 PM said:
So does that mean that if you play Kirby videogames you wish you were a fat pink ball that sucks up everything in sight and gains special powers from doing so?
I´d love to be kirby...

And i have a special ability that you won´t ever posess: Not using swear words in every second sentence. :D

C´mon, prove me wrong :P ...

No, I'm not worried about my blood pressure, because I find your stupidity very amusing. "Uh-oh! Magus is using words that someone told me are bad! Therefore, Magus is angry!" Brilliant deduction, dumbass... And the fact that you'd love to be kirby doesn't mean that I'd love to be a soldier because not everyone is exactly the same... which is a good thing. If I were as much of a retard as you are, I'd have to hang myself.

"Hey everybody, my name's Fishbong. Magus just exposed me for the retard I am, so now I'm trying to act righteous by not using "bad" words simply because someone else told me they're bad."

Guess what... Words are inanimate objects. They cannot be good or bad, they were invented by humans, and they wouldn't exist otherwise. The only way a word can be bad is if it is used in the wrong context, in which case it was a bad word to use given the circumstances, but there is still no moral attachment to the word.

Damn = Curse. To damn is to curse. They mean the same thing... yet it's okay to say "curses...!!!" on a cartoon show for little kids, but it's not okay to say "Damnit!" Why is that? They both mean the exact same thing... I don't know why that is, but the fact that you've decided to be an idiot and not use certain words because other people think they're bad(because that's what they've been programmed to think, and so have you) means absolutely nothing. All you've done is shown me what a retard you are... and I just proved you wrong. "I posess a skill you never could. I don't use "swear words" every other sentence..." Go ahead, take a look at what I've just typed.
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Oh yeah, I'm a girl!!!

Wayhay-what are these???

Anyway, always nice to see a happy virgin

Magus 86 posted on Sep 18 2005 at 03:16 PM said:
Just for the sake of comparison(because fishbong's too much of a fuckin retard to tell the difference), here is what I would look like if I were actually wearing a disguise... brace yourself, people


By the way, lubidog, I'm already well aware of everything you just said, except for the fact that it applied to you at some point in your life, and it doesn't really bother me.

that's a clever diguise, from where i'm standing you appear to have dressed up as a fat retard


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shinneri posted on Sep 18 2005 at 01:21 PM said:
Excessive swearing is often indicative of someone's lack of maturity, self-control, etc.

No, that's just the bullshit you're brainwashed into thinking. Someone doesn't like something, so they make up some nonsense reason to not do it, like "it shows a lack of maturity." Then everybody hears it, and people start believing it. Then, to keep others from thinking they're stupid, they decide to follow the nonsense and preach it to others who are smart enough to realize what a load of bullshit the whole thing is.
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Magus 86 posted on Sep 18 2005 at 01:36 PM said:
shinneri posted on Sep 18 2005 at 01:21 PM said:
Excessive swearing is often indicative of someone's lack of maturity, self-control, etc.
No, that's just the bullshit you're brainwashed into thinking. Someone doesn't like something, so they make up some nonsense reason to not do it, like "it shows a lack of maturity." Then everybody hears it, and people start believing it. Then, to keep others from thinking they're stupid, they decide to follow the nonsense and preach it to others who are smart enough to realize what a load of bullshit the whole thing is.
What I said seems to be holding true in this case... ;)
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shinneri posted on Sep 18 2005 at 01:40 PM said:
Magus 86 posted on Sep 18 2005 at 01:36 PM said:
shinneri posted on Sep 18 2005 at 01:21 PM said:
Excessive swearing is often indicative of someone's lack of maturity, self-control, etc.
No, that's just the bullshit you're brainwashed into thinking. Someone doesn't like something, so they make up some nonsense reason to not do it, like "it shows a lack of maturity." Then everybody hears it, and people start believing it. Then, to keep others from thinking they're stupid, they decide to follow the nonsense and preach it to others who are smart enough to realize what a load of bullshit the whole thing is.
What I said seems to be holding true in this case... ;)

Yeah, of course it does, because we all know how often little kids question the way things are and actually apply logic and reasoning to the world around them, rather than simply doing and believing whatever they're told... Only adults believe everything they're told, not little kids...
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1. @Goity- a long run doesn't make you fatter!

2. @Magus, you get a lot of stick, but I think you are great!

3. @MattMagoo, Very very funny!
lubidog posted on Sep 18 2005 at 10:50 PM said:
1. @Goity- a long run doesn't make you fatter!

2. @Magus, you get a lot of stick, but I think you are great!

3. @mattmagoo, Very very funny!
slimfast does though. it lowers your metabolism.
and I used to be fat.
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