Next Gen Consoles

How exactly is it biased if it is just my opinion? I still buy consoles, but I need a PC for differant reasons.

Anyway, FPS on joypads are crap, IMO.
finty101 posted on Feb 2 2005 at 08:34 AM said:
How exactly is it biased if it is just my opinion? I still buy consoles, but I need a PC for differant reasons.

Anyway, FPS on joypads are crap, IMO.

actually, the very nature of 'opinions' is usually to be biased. Some are just incredibly more biased than others. To outright say that all FPS and online games on consoles are shit, is pretty damn biased, and doesn't sound very informed. I happen to enjoy many of the FPS and online games I've played on consoles, Xbox live in particular. Obviously, millions of other gamers feel the same way. And it's funny... I seem to get along in games like Halo 2 with a gamepad just fine. I just must be very easy to please, eh?

Well whatever, your opinion is your own, and surely nothing I will say will change it. If console FPS and online games really are shit, then brother hand me some toilet paper and a plunger and let it flow! :P
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Dozer: they're called smartfrags

and FPSs on PC dont have to be crap

i personally prefer playing a console fps because i like the controls (ways too much goldeneye when i was younger)

+ id prefer to play online on an xbox than on a pc, because generally speaking most PC gamers who play online do exactly that ALL THE TIME

i have experienced so many sharp tongued twats on PC FPSs that cry when they get killed and start ordering you about like its life or death, and tbh it take ALL of the fun away

whereas if i play Halo 2 online everyone seems a lot friendlier because a majority of them have lives that involve the outdoors

now i know that stereotypical, but on a lower extreme it is certainly true
Riiiight. IMO console FPSs are crap if you have to look up and down, I dont have the brain power to do this. This is why companies released keyboards and mice for consoles.

PC fps is like clicking a mouse on an icon apart from the icon is the head or whatever. Also you say youve played with twats; your clearly playing in the wrong placed... I played CS for two years and rarely met twats and when I did the admin sorted them out. (for the record I played on Dumb Servers and University of Teeside severs only).

Its all in finding a good server... oh and ill never play for online gaming (alla xbox live... EVER!).

IMO that is.
i agree with PinkSpider. The only decent fps on a console was Goldeneye 64. Compared to most pc fps's things like Halo 2 suck. And halo 2 did suck. Far to easy. And plus pc fps's are better for control even though u can use a mouse and keyboard on consoles. The only thing that comes close to recreating the true fps experience is the DS with its touch screen.
Some cosole fps are great some are shite. I think if the game is made for a console then it works but a lot of them seem to be slack ports of pc games which fail to take into account the difficulties of playing using a joypad.

This is why the right analog stick on the ps3's dualshock3"tm" (you knows this will happen sony will use the same pad again) needs replacing with a trackerball.

please somebody at sony hear my plea!! Especially as devlopers seem to have decided that the control system for fps should be like the nam67 and killzone controls aaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh!!!!!! noooooooooooooo!! Those are controls for consoles with button shortages like the dc and xbox.

No but seriously I think sony will win the next round again they never have the most powerfull machine. But what they do always provide is choice something for eveyone. My son plays eyetoy,sonic and tmnt I play nfsu2,call of duty and prince of persia and my wife is mad on the silent hill series.

Also sony has the image and brand name. Saying sony wont be a major player would be like saying people will stop buying nike shoes never going to happen.

And if anyone out there is still using a ps2 without a hdd STOP! Promise your body to medical science or something but put a hdd in now!

If microsoft go without a hdd next time round they may as well stay at home and work on xp service pak2.0001 unless they're just going to go with tons of ram like the old neo geo did.

Out of curiosity do any ps2 games of recent times support usb keboard and mice? I remember playing quake3 or was it unreal using using them but gave up trying new games with them years ago as virtualy non supported them.

See you can't blame sony for everything they gave developers free reign for control methods with the usb ports and eveyone ignored them.
And if anyone out there is still using a ps2 without a hdd STOP! Promise your body to medical science or something but put a hdd in now!
Erm... I have a PSTwo.

Also there is no doubt the PS3 will succeed it appeals to the masses aswell as the hardcore, the only way someone can take there crown is if they give up (lol) or make a big mistake. Or of course someone sells a console for a tenner... do it!!!
FRIBBLE posted on Feb 2 2005 at 09:54 PM said:
No but seriously I think sony will win the next round again they never have the most powerfull machine. But what they do always provide is choice something for eveyone. My son plays eyetoy,sonic and tmnt I play nfsu2,call of duty and prince of persia and my wife is mad on the silent hill series

apart from eyetoy and silent hill (altho GC has resi) these games are available on both the other consoles

the only reason i would buy a PS2 exclusive game is if it was made by Nippon-Ichi (Damn them for not branching out past PS2)
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apart from eyetoy and silent hill (altho GC has resi) these games are available on both the other consoles

the only reason i would buy a PS2 exclusive game is if it was made by Nippon-Ichi (Damn them for not branching out past PS2)

Exactly apart from this that and the other xbox and gc consoles have these things. The thing is that sony shifts units by the lorry load. Developers see this huge user base and want their games to appear on that platform.

And devil may cry series,killzone,gran tourismo,final fantasy x x1 x2, onimusha3,ico, socom, tekken, gta san andreas,pro evo3 do they have them?

And ps2 has resi and resi sucks and blows.
FRIBBLE posted on Feb 2 2005 at 10:24 PM said:
And devil may cry series,killzone,gran tourismo,final fantasy x x1 x2, onimusha3,ico, socom, tekken, gta san andreas,pro evo3 do they have them?

I respected your argument up to the word killzone
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I love playing FPS games with an xbox controller. I think it's mainly because i've only started liking the FPS games on xbox, getting used to the controller a lot..
to me it's just as responsive as a mouse/key and feels a helluvalot better. that's why i use my xbox controller on my pc with an adapter and XBCD drivers. there're apps like controlmk that'll let you emulate key/mouse on a joypad too. it's perfect
I bought my pstwo cause im a huge fan of Traditional RPGs, something both the cube and xbox are lacking in somewhat, the pstwo has: disgaea, that new turn based one (phantom brave was it?), Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy XII, The PS1 RPGs, Shadow Hearts Sequel, plus a few other good/ average RPGs. And it has most of the games which are multiformat, and I can get stuff like Metal Gear Solid for a fiver, now I hate stealth and hated the first but im tempted to buy and try and that price.

I do like both the other consoles though, and I think arguing for and against one over an other is stupid, they are all game machines; built to provide fun to the user and they all succeed in this in one way or another. Sigh.

Also guy above me (I lack the keyboard letters to type your name (I have 25 keys)), are you saying you could beat someone on Counter Strike... An experienced player using a keyboard and mouse combo with a pad?
The sad thing is that it's pretty certain that two of the next gen consoles will be dominant and the others will suffer from lack of support. It's a simple case of economics - games are hugely expensive to develop these days and with that kind of investment you need to guarantee the largest possible return.

Most developers can only afford to develop a game for one or two platforms at a time. Hence the two most popular will get most of the third party support.

3 years after a console's launch it's obvious which are the most popular and therefore which to develop for and you can even tell whether it'll be worth working on a game for one of the less popular systems (beit due to a niche or whatever). However, games intended for release in the first year of a console's life need to go into development prior to launch. Software houses have to sit down and decide which next gen consoles to start to develop for and most will go with the safest option... PS3.

This of course puts Sony in a very good position to start asking for exclusivity with titles, which is even less fair... but there you go...

pink spider:
probably not. what i meant to say is that i'm just as good on a pad as with a keyboard, but playing on the box pad feels a lot more 'natural' for me.

and bast(or any of you guys),
what's your x-tag? the live games i have are fifa05, rallisport2, ggxreload, and of course crimson skies.
finty101 posted on Feb 2 2005 at 08:34 AM said:
How exactly is it biased if it is just my opinion? I still buy consoles, but I need a PC for differant reasons.

Anyway, FPS on joypads are crap, IMO.

Well I can't stand playing FPSs on a keyboard and mouse :P

Sitting there having to type on a keyboard when the games use every fuckin' key just because they are there is ridiculous. Yes a mouse is more precise but guess what? I don't care. Console FPSs are designed with a pad in mind so it is just fine. I have beaten dozens of Console FPSs ever since 3DO days and never once thought that I needed over 100 keys to play them.
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Ganepark32 posted on Feb 2 2005 at 07:52 PM said:
i agree with PinkSpider. The only decent fps on a console was Goldeneye 64.

Why does everyone overlook Perfect Dark. That was miles better than goldeneye. It was also miles ahead of its time, a lot of its features are still not being used by the majority of games (especially on consoles).
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c0ncept posted on Feb 4 2005 at 03:53 AM said:
Ganepark32 posted on Feb 2 2005 at 07:52 PM said:
i agree with PinkSpider. The only decent fps on a console was Goldeneye 64.

Why does everyone overlook Perfect Dark. That was miles better than goldeneye. It was also miles ahead of its time, a lot of its features are still not being used by the majority of games (especially on consoles).
More people have played Goldeneye than Perfect Dark because it came out near the end of the N64s life. Also Goldeneye is more famous among gamers and non gamers (as its a film).
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ow i forgot perfect dark. Thats a great fps too. So thats two decent console fps'. Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Never gonna see games like those again.(on a console)
PinkSpider posted on Feb 4 2005 at 10:00 AM said:
c0ncept posted on Feb 4 2005 at 03:53 AM said:
Ganepark32 posted on Feb 2 2005 at 07:52 PM said:
i agree with PinkSpider. The only decent fps on a console was Goldeneye 64.

Why does everyone overlook Perfect Dark. That was miles better than goldeneye. It was also miles ahead of its time, a lot of its features are still not being used by the majority of games (especially on consoles).
More people have played Goldeneye than Perfect Dark because it came out near the end of the N64s life. Also Goldeneye is more famous among gamers and non gamers (as its a film).

That is exactly right. I never played perfect dark because I was into the Dreamcast at that time. I beat Goldeneye, and all of the other FPSs on the N64 though including the first two Turoks.
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