News Bits


Sep 2, 2002
Small new bits of info from GPzigi:

-Volume buttons on GPX2 can be programmed to be regular buttons.

-GPX2 RAM *could* be SDR instead of DDR.

-GPX2 can be programmed to do a multitasking operation such as reading to a text while listening to music. GPH says after the hardware release, they will add this function via program patch.

-Raincom's new handheld spec: 400Mhz CPU, 128MB RAM, QVGA, every format support for audio and video files, and 10 million poly per sec. *unconfirmed info*

-GPH Korea will start taking preorders in limited quantity on Oct, 1st. Only 500 units will be available for the preorder.

-GPX2 will use a 'hardware' 8-way stick thus diagonal will work better. GP32 had 4 directional click sensors and recognized diagonals via programming, but GPX2 will have physical 8 way sensors. GPH internal testing suggest that the stick actually works this time and it works superbly in fighting games and such as well.

-GPH is still deciding from around 13 different names for GPX2. New name will be release within next week.

That's all. :)
Volume buttons on GPX2 can be programmed to be regular buttons.
Excellent. :)

Raincom's new handheld spec: 400Mhz CPU, 128MB RAM, QVGA, every format support for audio and video files, and 10 million poly per sec. *unconfirmed info*

EDIT: OK I see, Raincom (actually Reigncom) is the company that made the iriver media player, and now they're making a handheld game system. Well, nice specs. But still vaporware and very little info. I'm guessing it's doomed to be another PSP wannabe. Here's a link I found if anyone wants more info:

GPH Korea will start taking preorders in limited quantity on Oct, 1st. Only 500 units will be available for the preorder.

Hmm... I put in a pre-order with GP32Z (jr2swiss) because he's based in the USA and I got my BLU there. I hope I can get one of these. <_<

GPX2 will use a 'hardware' 8-way stick thus diagonal will work better. GP32 had 4 directional click sensors and recognized diagonals via programming, but GPX2 will have physical 8 way sensors. GPH internal testing suggest that the stick actually works this time and it works superbly in fighting games and such as well.

Interesting. Not sure what to think until I try it. Sounds nice though. My GP32 sticks always worked flawlessly however, including all the diagonals. So... OK.

GPH is still deciding from around 13 different names for GPX2. New name will be release within next week.

They can name it "Bitchslap 2000" and I'd still want one. :P

And yeah, thanks for the info polooo2. :)

I was just lurking the Korean side of GPX2's support pages, using a translator, and it seemed like they're saying the GPX2 will only be sold directly from their website at first. Am I reading wrong?

If true, combined with only 500 units at launch, us non-Koreans may have a bit of a wait to get one. <_<
I say that 500 is bull shitt, iam sure gbax alone will get a few hundert, leave alone other retailers.

As craigix seems to be invasting a good bit of money in the gpx2 iam sure he makes sure that there is enugh to sell at launch.

He will visit the fab today, if i read right they are allready produceing a stock, there should be enugh till october.

That the ram is sdr ir pretty clear, ddr in a system with a 200mhz cpu dosnt realy make sense, ddr would be great, but i doubt it makes much sense.
preorder @ october is for domestic korean market only. They probably have more stocks for international sales. They better be.

And I always seem to get the Reigncom's name wrong.. :P

I wouldn't know what to say about unit sales though.

A famous computer marketplace called 'Techno-mart' in Korea seems to be in a partnership with GPH for GPX2 sales. So we could probably see some retail GPX2.
Keep telling us anything you see. We're dying for new info. :)

I'm actually quite curious about commercial games. I'm probably in the minority (I know most users only want emus), but I'd love to see several really good 2D games that make full use of the GPX2. It's a very powerful 2D system, with all that RAM it's even better than NDS or PSP for 2D. Emulators are great, but they won't show the true gaming potential of the hardware.
I think commercial games are a possibility.

The developers who made 'Wanna Be Wizards' is part of, and under GPH management.
They're mainly developing for GPANG (game phone in korea) right now, but I'm pretty sure GPH can plan something out for them.

Also about the preorder, the poster of this news wasn't really that clear either the unit was in 'limited' quantity or selling 'limited edition' sets. Fuzzy use of words.

But I'm pretty sure he's saying GPX2 preorder is in 'limited quantity'. GPH seems to be drawing a broader picture and is concentrating on the international market whereas GP wants to set a firm ground in Korea before tackling the international market.

After all, GPH was the main guys who did the international contacts and contracts.

polooo2 posted on Aug 28 2005 at 11:29 PM said:
And I always seem to get the Reigncom's name wrong.. :P

Same here, I don't know them by the name, just call them Iriver, it's just easier... dosent mean I'll be buying their over priced videogame playing PMP of course.

As much as I also want to know about them, I wouldnt worry too much about the commercial games. they'll show up, maybe not at launch but they'll be around eventually. They cant expect it to only sell based on emulators and PMP function when they've put so much into making it so capable of playing games.
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Iam sure craigix is makeing sure we get what we need, he allready sayd he might have the devboards for some selected devs very soon.
That we get at least a sdk is clear, if it will be open or not, we will see.
But neither would prevent us from makeing our own sdk.
shinneri posted on Aug 29 2005 at 01:36 AM said:
Thanks Polooo. :)

polooo2 posted on Aug 28 2005 at 09:20 PM said:
-Volume buttons on GPX2 can be programmed to be regular buttons.
DaveC should be happy about this one. :P :)

Well it is something although a tiny little rocker switch type button won't be as good as full sized ones, especially for shooters like Galaga.

Also if the buttons are reprogrammed for game controls how would you change the volume in a game? they can't be doing both because as you would play the game the volume would be going up and down. It will be kind of strange.
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polooo2 posted on Aug 29 2005 at 01:20 AM said:
Small new bits of info from GPzigi:

-GPX2 will use a 'hardware' 8-way stick thus diagonal will work better. GP32 had 4 directional click sensors and recognized diagonals via programming, but GPX2 will have physical 8 way sensors. GPH internal testing suggest that the stick actually works this time and it works superbly in fighting games and such as well.

That's all. :)

Not sure about this one. The diagonals may be *too* easy to hit causing accidentally hitting a diagonal when you didn't want to. Diagonals should be slighly harder to hit than the other directions. I guess I will wait to try it first. Basically all digital controls now use 4 switches and then just interpret a hit of two at once to be a diagonal. I guess with this new hardware method you basically can have 16 way control. May be good to emulate an analog or mouse with the extra positions. Games like Centipede, Missile command would have more "in-betweens" with this.
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If you override the volume buttons, you probably have to provice alternative ways to alter the volume in the games, or app or whatever. No one is sure about this at the moment however until craig actually tries one.
DaveC posted on Aug 29 2005 at 04:25 PM said:
polooo2 posted on Aug 29 2005 at 01:20 AM said:
-GPX2 will use a 'hardware' 8-way stick thus diagonal will work better. GP32 had 4 directional click sensors and recognized diagonals via programming, but GPX2 will have physical 8 way sensors. GPH internal testing suggest that the stick actually works this time and it works superbly in fighting games and such as well.
Not sure about this one.

If the GP32's stick recognised diagonals via programming, surely the GPX2's stick could also be programmed to act in the same way using only 4 of the sensors?
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Huxley posted on Aug 29 2005 at 06:03 PM said:
DaveC posted on Aug 29 2005 at 04:25 PM said:
polooo2 posted on Aug 29 2005 at 01:20 AM said:
-GPX2 will use a 'hardware' 8-way stick thus diagonal will work better. GP32 had 4 directional click sensors and recognized diagonals via programming, but GPX2 will have physical 8 way sensors. GPH internal testing suggest that the stick actually works this time and it works superbly in fighting games and such as well.
Not sure about this one.

If the GP32's stick recognised diagonals via programming, surely the GPX2's stick could also be programmed to act in the same way using only 4 of the sensors?
Yes, he is making a fuss over nothing again.
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DaveC posted on Aug 29 2005 at 04:25 PM said:
Not sure about this one. The diagonals may be *too* easy to hit causing accidentally hitting a diagonal when you didn't want to. Diagonals should be slighly harder to hit than the other directions. I guess I will wait to try it first. Basically all digital controls now use 4 switches and then just interpret a hit of two at once to be a diagonal. I guess with this new hardware method you basically can have 16 way control. May be good to emulate an analog or mouse with the extra positions. Games like Centipede, Missile command would have more "in-betweens" with this.

Yeah. The main problem with GP32's diagonal was that it didn't allow enough frame windows for diagonal direction.

for example, unless someone is a total accuracy machine being able to press 2 sensors at the exact same time every time he does a diagonal, sensors are bound to be pressed in sequence with small delay between them, but because the games like blood cross didn't have enough input window for recognizing 2 sensors, more often only the single sensor got registered. Same thing with fighting games on emu happend often.

If the get the default 4 directions easy to input as well as the diagonals on GPX2, I'd say kudos to them. I personally think it's an exellant news for GPX2. 16 way control sounds pretty funky, but I can see how it can work. Maybe it can work as well on commercial RPG's if they ever make any.
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