Newbie Q : Gp Cinema


Still Fresh
Jun 19, 2004
hmmm... tryly a newbie question but -->
:huh: I downloaded the free version of GP Cinema and a sample file from Entware's website.
Tried running it. Select game+press start+ select GP32 Free Laucher + press start + select GP Cinema + press A At this point I get a message in Korean in a red box (from other posting I gather it just say downloading or something) then pops me into GP Cinema. Here I see GP Cinema interface but I don't see the movie file.

Current setup :
GP Laucher in the GAMES directory
GP Cinema in the GPMM directory
movie file in the GPETC dir
SMC 128 MB

I realize this should be fairly simple but... yelp!

Wait- did you say your launching the program through the origional firmware? If so, it simply wont function b/c this version of gpcinema dousnt launch correctly through it. Launch through YAFL or Wind-ups or something of that nature.
NOTE: flashing is NOT neccesary; just launch gocinema through one of these programs

EDIT: This is barring if you bought your gp from gbax (since its already flashed) or flashed it yourself to spivs multifw. If that is the case, it will launch fine through the korean firmware. If you have not flashed, what I already said should solve your problem
The ideal place for the video files is in a folder of their own, like \MOVIE or \VIDEO
After that, you place them there, but it CAN BE ANYWHERE in the SMC. You are able to navigate the folders and select it wherever you may have it.

I dont know about what triksR4rabits said tho...
thnx for the replies :D

I still struggling with this damn app! grr...

let me try to fill in the blanks on what I previously did and then describe my current issues :

so I grabed a test file of of entware's site FF10_lee.avi
just to double check I re-"translated" it using entware's MovieLink and sent both versions to the SMC

putting movie files into the GPMM directory causes a reset when I try to start GPCinema

I should mention that when the player boots it looks a bit sikly i.e. some horizontal lines look like they are out of sink with the rest of the picture; holding down select to view menues and such works fine though. I don't see any files, directories ohh! and I also get an ugly brown vertical bar through the part of the screen where files/directories should have been listed! :ph34r: :ph34r: :( :ph34r:

So I tried loading YAFL. Currently I am getting to it from Free Launcher (I know I know... I just don't want to void the warranty yet.) Trying to launch ANYTHING from YAFL causes a reset; the happy startup music plays and plays and pla-a-a-a-a... oh the volume wheel!

Do you think that the GP Cinema acting badly is a free version issue?

Does YAFL always freak out like that when you run it from FreeLaucher (I am aware of the fact that I am lunching a luncher from a luncher and that might not be all kosher)?

thnx again for the comments and once again YELP!
hmmmm... I never had any problems doing that. Try wind-ups out and see what happens with that. Also, try this link and d/l "detective story"- i know that one works fine. I assume your using the fxe gpcinema. Put it in gpmm and try creating a new folder called, like say, gpcinema, and put the movie file(s) in there
thank you very much for your suggestion tricks!

yafl worked out in the end. I needed to turn the unit off and on after I loaded yafl for it to take hold. Strictly from electronics/programming stand point this doesn't quite make sense but alas I shoulda thought of something simple like that , right?

you are 100 percent correct, GPCinema doesnt work with FreeLauncher. I wish Entware people were organized enough to put that on their website. They make such a great product and then document it so poorly :rolleyes:

everyone muchas gracias!
no prob Digi-D, I'm glad we got the issue resolved for ya. Also, the compressed fxe is great; I highly reccomend it. Glad Shadow_Mx found the link. I was gonna post about it but I couldnt find it for the life of me lol
on the entware website they say that it only runs with a new firmware u can download there !!!!!!!!!!!!

it works with yafl too but it`s no official firmware so they dont mention it <_<