Oh No...i Can't Download Gp Cinema :(


Still Fresh
Jun 22, 2003
I downloaded my GP Cinema in the past, but 4 months after I got it, I got a new shiney 128mb card. When I came back to my computer I noticed that the file for GP Cinema was gone...I checked out JoyGP and my account was still there, but they wouldn't let me download the file again (grabs a knife). Is there anyone that can help me get it back? This is no scam, if you remember that contest where you can get 12000 free money and if you remember the list, I was DDRMAX500. I got Movie Park and I loved it, but it was slow sometimes. When GP Cinema came out though, I could get it for only 3000 money. I was happy of the deal, so I bought it and was happy with the results. If you still don't belive me...I don't know what more to say...what should I do?
you should have backed up the copy you had on your pc. Once you have purchased it and the download time has expired you can't download it again. If you want to download the software again you have to purchase it again now. In the future if you buy anything from jyGP make sure you back it up.
dadada damn... now how am I supposed to play this movie now :( MoviePark is my only option..........nooo!
This may sound newbish but, if one of you like, you can just AIM me it, I have a 64mb movie waiting to be flashed infront of my friends at school xD My AIM is CRAZYBENDAver2, though I might get flamed......erm......God is telling me I shouldn't of done that...oh my.