Newbie Game Pack?


Active Member
May 15, 2004

my name is Omar Nawaz and i am addicted to the gp2x

before i wasnt i was bewildred confounded and generally perplexed but once i sobered up and figured out where to put everything a strange feeling rose in my chest...i ....think i think im in love her names GP2X.

sooooo I WANNA SPREAD THE LOVE but i dont wanna be put in jail

so lets say i was to put together a newbie pack that they download specify their sd card drive ie H:/ F:/ whatever and voila they got all the coolest games for the gp2x to test and evaluate

i intend to include roms of the most desirable games to make gp2x look uber cool

it will strictly be inteneded as an evalutaion pack and the user is obligated to delete the roms within a week and source their own rom images

so if i cover my ass with one of those legal i agree thingys could i distribute this without expecting a visit to the local jail?

what you guys reckon the gp2x is great console would be good for the ultra newbs who cant use google or the search funstion but have their parents credit card to buy obscure korean consoles.
Not a good idea. The GP2X is meant to be tinkered with. Trial and error. Once you get the hang of it, second nature.

i see

i know of a guy i talked to in a irc channel who wanted to distribute said newbie pack will i burn in hell for telling people where to get it from?
You could provide a Newbie pack containing the programs and any PD roms providing the authors of said programs don't mind you distributing them with others things.

Do not provide roms, links etc you just upset people.

Anyone with the original rom and google will find what they need.

alright so a newbie pack with the correct file diretories of emulators except tech demos like psx and gba (might include them in a seperate Wow looky what my gp2x can do pack) and shareware versions of quake and dukenukem

ill put in help files with pretty pictures on how to get your roms on properly

will this be alright?
Why not make a step by step tutorial telling how you put together/constructed this newb pack?

That would be the best, least likely way of getting thrown in jail, way of doing it. And would benefit the community more than distributing romz.

Hell, I may even throw in a couple dollars if you have paypal for a good tutorial on how most of this stuff works. For someone who's never touched a sript, or linux, it would be nice to see how most of this stuff works and have it explained, rather than just blindy googleing and coming up with nothing.

I'd much rather know how to do it, than rely on updates of your n00b p@ck every week.

Edit: was writing this when you posted...yeah, what you just said would be great...don't forget to include that sac o flour game for NES or whatever it was called, came right from CMU in Mt. Pleasant, MI where I live, work, and currently attend classes (yay for the CMU NES dev team! :P )
Yeah! Let's hear it for Mt. Pleasant! I live in Muskegon. We're neighbors, Cbass!

...oh yeah.. Off topic.. Sorry..

Pariah :(

Im completely new to this, the only linux ive touched is Knoppix and the only script ive touched is Pascal and GameMaker. At the moment i cant seem to get my GP2X to do much at all.

Im saying this so you know im basically your target audience, what i would love to see is the Tutorial on how you would put together such an newb introduction pack, so i can learn while i get this GP2X to do some cool stuff.

If anybody would like to help me get up and running with this thing id really, really apreciate the help either here or on my MSN

Thanks very much and good look with the newb intro stuff :)
alirghty then

ill put this together over the next couple of days and PM the rellevat guys for permission

im gonna make a seperate packs for duke and quake as the shareware files will make the newbie pack pretty big which will be a pain for dial up

ill setup a site with the tutorials aswell as other stuff to educate noobs in the ways of the gp2x

was playing with the idea of repacking individual emus and putting them up on a site with pretty icons of the system you want to emulate

what you reckon individual emus or shall i carry on with the pack
(Coulda swore I was the only one in Michigan who had one of these...)

Mount Pleasant is still it's boring old self, although we have a casino, Crankers, Ruby Tuesday, Tim Hortons, 5 Subways, 4 Mcdonalds...needless to say it's gotten a bit bigger, but still nothing to do here...My most exciting event over break was playing Xbox and drinking with my friends on New Years day... :P

Anyways, OmarNawaz, if you had individual emu's, that would be nice, because people probably don't want everything. It would be nice if you could do both, but one or the other would be fine too.
alirghty then

ill put this together over the next couple of days and PM the rellevat guys for permission

im gonna make a seperate packs for duke and quake as the shareware files will make the newbie pack pretty big which will be a pain for dial up

ill setup a site with the tutorials aswell as other stuff to educate noobs in the ways of the gp2x

was playing with the idea of repacking individual emus and putting them up on a site with pretty icons of the system you want to emulate

what you reckon individual emus or shall i carry on with the pack
Surely individual emus, would defeat the whole point in the pack?
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