Gp2x Clear Plastic Case And Battery Pack


Still Fresh
Jul 1, 2006
So I have had this idea for a while now. It started because i keep buying batteries. I have had my gp2x for about a year and i travel a lot and i use it a lot. When i used to have my game boy advance i had a rechargeable battery pack for it. this is the link to amazon for the rechargeable battery pack i want to basically clone for my gp2x.

So i figured i have to mold the battery plate of the gp2x then add the rechargeable batteries to it, wire it up and hope i dont fry it when i plug the thing in to the wall. and i figured while i am molding the battery case i might as well mold the entire casing of the gp2x. then instead of having a black gp i will have a clear one, or i can add dies and MAKE IT ANY COLOR IN THE WORLD :o !

So i have a couple of questions :blink:

1. have either of these ideas been done. if so what are the links and i wont waste my time. if not i have somthing to do this weekend.
2. if the battery pack has not been done do i need to do somthing special, ex. add resistors or what not, to the charging cable coming from the wall to the battery pack so not to fry the gp2x board.
Thanks evryone
I am a little confused as to what you need, most people have the Energizer mini-charger and NiMH batteries already. Target, Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, most places that sell digital cameras all carry Energizer and Duracell batteries that last for 3-5 hours a charge. They usually come with a nice compact charger.

If you make a pack out of it, then it is pretty silly to swap in another pack. But 4 AA's (2 in, 2 in pocket) always last me all day.

If you want to do something really cool, add a 3rd battery, I did a while back and got 6 hours 15min on a charge. Basically just pull the existing battery tab and add a 3rd battery in series using a $0.99 holder from Radio Shack: