New users, say hello

Hi all.

My name is Daniel and I'm new to this Forum.

Can somebody tell me how much second batch Pandoras are allready ordered?

I like to buy one but right now i'm on a small budget.

If there are plenty left i wait and save some money...

With kind regards.

Hello there!

I received my Pandora about a week and a half ago so I thought I'd better stop lurking...

Welcome! Any recommendations emulationwise?

are you talking about this?

I've been trying out a little bit of everything SNES and MegaDrive related.

Wipeout 2097 for the PS1 whenever and wherever you want is quite impressive.

Right now I'm playing Chaos for the ZX Spectrum which I can play at work when I'm not too busy ;)

Switching to low power mode makes an excellent "boss key" too...
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Hi all.

My name is Daniel and I'm new to this Forum.

Can somebody tell me how much second batch Pandoras are allready ordered?

I like to buy one but right now i'm on a small budget.

If there are plenty left i wait and save some money...

With kind regards.

Unfortunately, preorders for batch2 have *officially* closed, and have been replaced with orders garuanteed to shp within 7 days for an increased price $500. However, if you were to email raig's shop ( and simply explain that you are on a budget and cannot afford the new price, they might allow you onto the end of the preorders.

One thing though, Craig's shop can be slow to respond - not because of the excellent people who work there, but because of the massive volume of emails they get.
Unfortunately, preorders for batch2 have *officially* closed, and have been replaced with orders garuanteed to shp within 7 days for an increased price $500. However, if you were to email raig's shop ( and simply explain that you are on a budget and cannot afford the new price, they might allow you onto the end of the preorders.

Oh ok. Thats good to know.

Maybe they should give this Information here on the official site.

I will send ED a mail.
Hello comunity :)

I ordered a pandora about a year ago, but I decided to upgrade my order to premium.

My pandora shipped today and im looking forward to porting stuff and being more active in the community

So... Hi everyone :)
Been reading for a couple of years now, but not really been following the boards. Seeing as my Pandora is due in about Two Months I thought I'd sign up and say hi. Hi!

Must say lost a lot of the enthusiasm I had. Hopefully can get it back.
Been reading for a couple of years now, but not really been following the boards. Seeing as my Pandora is due in about Two Months I thought I'd sign up and say hi. Hi!

Must say lost a lot of the enthusiasm I had. Hopefully can get it back.
Welcome! I'm sure that when your unit arrives it you will decide it was worth the wait! Also, as you might have read on PandoraPress, there is an option to upgrade to an order that is garuanteed to ship in 7 days, should you find the wait too tough to bear.
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Figured I should register, since I plan on buying a Pandora this weekend.

Other than that, I am a complete noob when it comes to anything remotely Linux. So I may ask dumb questions.

Emulation Suggestions: Fallout 1, 2, Tactics?
It's been a long wait, but I'm a new user now! Got my unit and am tying this up on it. One minor nit that I see others have fixed - the left shoulder button is either missing a pad or the pad is not properly aligned.

Just checking things out and the battery just barely fits. That's one snug compartment, I'm guessing for maximum battery life!

I think ED may have mentioned it, but you'll want to go to the system menu under the start menu to toggle wireless on.

Cheers, off to play with my new toy!

Edit: Firefox beta is working better for me than Midori, and the left shoulder button is improving with use, I may not need to open the back panel.

Edit 2: Cave Story in Ginge is my new favorite game...OpenLeiro is kicking my but. Gotta find my Decent media! Having a blast. Cheers!
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Olá, Hello, I'm from Brazil and I know very little about Pandora, but being an old gamer and enthusiast, bought it and donated some money to the project... Hope I can learn something from you guys, from english to basic linux skills...

Hey everyone,

I'm Jack Sanders, a young Indie game developer.

Recently the Pandora has caught more and more of my interest, and now I've decided to join these forums!

I'm interested in porting my current magnum opus, which is in mid-alpha development, to the Pandora system in the future. Probably by taking the complete crossplatform route with SDL at first, and then port that(if possible) for an exclusive port created to work with Pandora's app format. Currently, though, it's being made in Flash.

Sooo uhhh, that's about all for now!
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