New Tvout


oh em gee
Nov 15, 2005
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ive read about 4 posts of craigix saying be patient, theres a new tv-out being made thats better than the current one and will be available soon etc...

i'd just to know, when? i mean, i really want a tv-out already, its the icing on the cake which made me buy my 2X, and its been out for months and i still cant get one, sure theres the crappy current one but apparantly you have to hold the connector into the 2x or it flops down and destroys the picture, theres also the fact that 1 of the 3 cables is female or something which means you HAVE to buy some weird fucked up extension cable just to get it to work?

i trust what craig says since he seems pretty decent, but hes not even selling the Case on his website which has been out for ages and everyone else is selling it, and...well, i just want a godamn tv out! some news from GPH would be nice once in a while instad of hearing it second hand from dodgy behind the scenes people
ive read about 4 posts of craigix saying be patient, theres a new tv-out being made thats better than the current one and will be available soon etc...

i'd just to know, when? i mean, i really want a tv-out already, its the icing on the cake which made me buy my 2X, and its been out for months and i still cant get one, sure theres the crappy current one but apparantly you have to hold the connector into the 2x or it flops down and destroys the picture, theres also the fact that 1 of the 3 cables is female or something which means you HAVE to be some weird fucked up extension cable just to get it to work?

i trust what craig says since he seems pretty decent, but hes not even selling the Case on his website which has been out for ages and everyone else is selling it, and...well, i just want a godamn tv out! some news from GPH would be nice once in a while instad of hearing it second hand from dodgy behind the scenes people
maybe you ought to put some bounty in your sig for it?
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some news from GPH would be nice once in a while instad of hearing it second hand from dodgy behind the scenes people

Way to go. Insulting folks who bring us news about future develoments from GPH will ge t you far I'm sure <_<
how am i unsulting anyone but GPH for not giving us any fucking news?

maybe you ought to put some bounty in your sig for it?

are you an idiot? or was that some stupid joke? because it wasnt funny
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ive read about 4 posts of craigix saying be patient, theres a new tv-out being made thats better than the current one and will be available soon etc...

i'd just to know, when? i mean, i really want a tv-out already, its the icing on the cake which made me buy my 2X, and its been out for months and i still cant get one, sure theres the crappy current one but apparantly you have to hold the connector into the 2x or it flops down and destroys the picture, theres also the fact that 1 of the 3 cables is female or something which means you HAVE to buy some weird fucked up extension cable just to get it to work?

i trust what craig says since he seems pretty decent, but hes not even selling the Case on his website which has been out for ages and everyone else is selling it, and...well, i just want a godamn tv out! some news from GPH would be nice once in a while instad of hearing it second hand from dodgy behind the scenes people

You could just try sending him an email asking him, just leave out the dodgy behind the scenes people. :P
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how am i unsulting anyone but GPH for not giving us any fucking news?

Do the words "dodgy behind the scenes people" ring a bell to you?

What's with all the insults and mean-spiritedness around here lately? :blink:
you misinterpereted what i said to be a negative comment and i got pissed off especially with that "moz"'s comment, i suppose he'd rather people not pledge donations to devs for their hard work at all then
just play some mame or megadrive and chill dude

sourcing new manufacturers and checking quality takes some time you dont want a crappy cable again although im sure itll be out before the end of the month

unless theyre waiting for stocks of current crappy to run out then itll be early feburary i reckon

i thimk the cables out with those femal connectors are betterall you need is a basic phono and a svideo cable as opposed to gp2x-tvoutcable-adaptor-svideocable-tv unless they make it at least 1m log which i doubt
you misinterpereted what i said to be a negative comment and i got pissed off especially with that "moz"'s comment, i suppose he'd rather people not pledge donations to devs for their hard work at all then

Why don't you just donate to the devs we have then? Those bounties in your sig just make you look ungratefull for what we already have. I have already donated to devs but I don't go around advertising it or promising to donate when things I want are full speed with sound with skinable frontends. No emulator will ever be perfect so why not just donate to devs who are working on things you want rather than promising to donate when they are perfect?
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you misinterpereted what i said to be a negative comment and i got pissed off especially with that "moz"'s comment, i suppose he'd rather people not pledge donations to devs for their hard work at all then

I think Moz was making a joke too. I laughed when i read his post, honestly I did. :lol:

If you look at the last line of your sig, you've written Place your donation pledges in your signature like this to encourage the devs to code faster! (heh heh)

Replace the word devs with "GPH/Craigix" and the word code with "release the TVOUT cable" and it works, well for me anyway. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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you misinterpereted what i said to be a negative comment and i got pissed off especially with that "moz"'s comment, i suppose he'd rather people not pledge donations to devs for their hard work at all then

Why don't you just donate to the devs we have then? Those bounties in your sig just make you look ungratefull for what we already have. I have already donated to devs but I don't go around advertising it or promising to donate when things I want are full speed with sound with skinable frontends. No emulator will ever be perfect so why not just donate to devs who are working on things you want rather than promising to donate when they are perfect?


Um, well in my case, I post whom I've donated to to encourage others to do the same.

I mean, how can you NOT feel guilty after playing your favorite games for hours a day, all for free? :lol:

I'll certainly remove them from my sig, if it's offensive to many folks ... I don't want to cause any undo hard feelings or anything :(
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ive been wondering if the tvout only supports S-Video at best or if it can output in RGB? since all ive heard is S-Video
ive been wondering if the tvout only supports S-Video at best or if it can output in RGB? since all ive heard is S-Video -> no rgb output from ext port...

TelcoLou, "dodgy behind the scenes people" was a reference to a radio-show; it was supopsed to be funny, I guess, but it's hard to 'get' it since the rest of the post is in a bit of a whiney tone.

Paradox, the dodgy behind the scenes people are the best source of information we have here. If you don't like what information they provide, it still doesn't make sense to whine/complain to the forum about GPH, as they don't read here.

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you misinterpereted what i said to be a negative comment and i got pissed off especially with that "moz"'s comment, i suppose he'd rather people not pledge donations to devs for their hard work at all then

Why don't you just donate to the devs we have then? Those bounties in your sig just make you look ungratefull for what we already have. I have already donated to devs but I don't go around advertising it or promising to donate when things I want are full speed with sound with skinable frontends. No emulator will ever be perfect so why not just donate to devs who are working on things you want rather than promising to donate when they are perfect?


Um, well in my case, I post whom I've donated to to encourage others to do the same.

I mean, how can you NOT feel guilty after playing your favorite games for hours a day, all for free? :lol:

I'll certainly remove them from my sig, if it's offensive to many folks ... I don't want to cause any undo hard feelings or anything :(

I wasn't talking about people who have donated, if you have that is great I just choose not to put my donations in my sig. I was refering to this "DO WHAT I WANT AND I'LL DONATE THIS MUCH" business. Just comes off sounding a little ungratefull.
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you misinterpereted what i said to be a negative comment and i got pissed off especially with that "moz"'s comment, i suppose he'd rather people not pledge donations to devs for their hard work at all then

Why don't you just donate to the devs we have then? Those bounties in your sig just make you look ungratefull for what we already have. I have already donated to devs but I don't go around advertising it or promising to donate when things I want are full speed with sound with skinable frontends. No emulator will ever be perfect so why not just donate to devs who are working on things you want rather than promising to donate when they are perfect?

because i dont use what we have, sure ive used DrMD once or twice to test it out, but i dont think i should donate for something i dont use too often

but hey its only been a few months, im sure in the coming year there will be tons of programs ill be using frequently and will donate to the devs for their hard work
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you misinterpereted what i said to be a negative comment and i got pissed off especially with that "moz"'s comment, i suppose he'd rather people not pledge donations to devs for their hard work at all then

Why don't you just donate to the devs we have then? Those bounties in your sig just make you look ungratefull for what we already have. I have already donated to devs but I don't go around advertising it or promising to donate when things I want are full speed with sound with skinable frontends. No emulator will ever be perfect so why not just donate to devs who are working on things you want rather than promising to donate when they are perfect?


Um, well in my case, I post whom I've donated to to encourage others to do the same.

I mean, how can you NOT feel guilty after playing your favorite games for hours a day, all for free? :lol:

I'll certainly remove them from my sig, if it's offensive to many folks ... I don't want to cause any undo hard feelings or anything :(

I wasn't talking about people who have donated, if you have that is great I just choose not to put my donations in my sig. I was refering to this "DO WHAT I WANT AND I'LL DONATE THIS MUCH" business. Just comes off sounding a little ungratefull.

Yeah, I know what you mean.
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so, on with the real discussion.....

If you want an answer from craig, try catching him on IRC, e-mailing him, or PMing him. I remember him saying that some new news would be coming out in february, but I can't remember if he said what the news was going to be about.....