New To The Wiz. Question Time ^o^


Still Fresh
Jul 19, 2011
Just purchased a Wiz console from thinkgeek. $118 AUD inc.ship+hand

Can't decide on SD card to buy..
the main one I was looking at was: Kingston 32GB SDHC Class 4
but aparently the wiz lost its sdhc compatibility after a firmware update..?

Brings be to my next question~ I want to update to the latest / greatest firmware.
1. Should I?
2. Where can I find the older firmware downloads?
3. Will the Wiz come with updated firmware?
EDIT: contacted Thinkgeek support & they said comes with 1.2.6


Thanks in advance, Fraj.
Welcome to the boards and congrats on your Wiz!

SDHC works fine. I would go for a higher class though. That makes loading a lot faster, in my opinion.

My card is Transcend 16 GB SDHC Class 10 card. You can probably get a 32 GB for ~ $50.

Go to for firmware as well as recent emulators. Always use the most recent one. If I remember correctly mine (from ThinkGeek) came with updated firmware. If not, it's easy to update. Just pop the unzipped files on a card (1GB or larger and formatted), turn on the Wiz while holding the right shoulder button, and give it time to update.
I bought my Wiz from ThinkGeek early this year, and it came with the latest firmware (which has been out for quite a while now). The easiest place to find older firmware is from (Wiz->Firmware->Old).

My main reason for wanting a Wiz was to run 8- and 16-bit console emulators. I used a 4GB SD card I had laying around, and I was able to cram a ton of GB/GBC/NES/SNES/Genesis ROMs onto it. I bought an 8GB card but haven't been motivated to load it up yet because I've been happy with what I currently have.

My advice is to think about what SD card size you might need based on what you want to do with your Wiz. You can always swap multiple cards in and out as well. Also, it won't hurt to try a 32GB if you can return it or use it for something else in the case that it won't work with the Wiz.
thnx for the replies.

darklight1138 said:
SDHC works fine. I would go for a higher class though. That makes loading a lot faster, in my opinion.

My card is Transcend 16 GB SDHC Class 10 card. You can probably get a 32 GB for ~ $50.

k, I've ordered a Transcend 16 GB SDHC Class 10 for $33.35 AUD & if it works I'll get a second one for my movies and such.
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joeycaruzo said:
I have a question, too :P how i can use the full 1GB of the wiz internal memory? i can only use 698MB :blink: (i already tried formatting)

No it is taken up by the operating system, if I am correct.
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Darkknight512 said:
joeycaruzo said:
I have a question, too :P how i can use the full 1GB of the wiz internal memory? i can only use 698MB :blink: (i already tried formatting)

No it is taken up by the operating system, if I am correct.
Wow, 400MB :blink: well, i will buy one 16GB card anyway, thanks ;)
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joeycaruzo said:
Darkknight512 said:
joeycaruzo said:
I have a question, too :P how i can use the full 1GB of the wiz internal memory? i can only use 698MB :blink: (i already tried formatting)

No it is taken up by the operating system, if I am correct.
Wow, 400MB :blink: well, i will buy one 16GB card anyway, thanks ;)

Not a good idea to use the flash anyways, if you corrupt it (which happens quite often), then you could brick your wiz.
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Darkknight512 said:
joeycaruzo said:
Darkknight512 said:
joeycaruzo said:
I have a question, too :P how i can use the full 1GB of the wiz internal memory? i can only use 698MB :blink: (i already tried formatting)

No it is taken up by the operating system, if I am correct.
Wow, 400MB :blink: well, i will buy one 16GB card anyway, thanks ;)

Not a good idea to use the flash anyways, if you corrupt it (which happens quite often), then you could brick your wiz.

Okay, thanks :D *hearing music :lol: *
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