GP2X New To Gp2x Development

Dec 1, 2006
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Hello :) Hope Im putting this in the right place.

Ordered my GP2X on Friday evening and just waiting on it getting here. In the meantime Ive been looking at SDL and it seems pretty straightforward. Had a look round the forum and found it very helpful :)
I used to write for the Spectrum and Amstrad CPC back in the mists of time and found the homebrew aspect of the GP2X very appealing. My intention is to write Pong to familiarise myself with the system. Ive got a couple of questions before I begin:

Id like to get started tonight on the pong game - how easy is it to convert your windows based code to the GP2X?

Also what IDE do you guys reccomend (XP). Ive been using DEV C++ and it seems fine. Is there a better one that would compile for both windows and the GP2X (so I dont have to upload everything to the GP2X everytime I make a change)?

Thanks in advance
For SDL and SDL_Mixer, it should work straight off on the GP2X once the compiler and libraries are set up. There are just two constraints:
1. The screen must be 320 by 240 by 16 bits, as that's the GP2X screen.
2. The only input is a joystick with a load of buttons which correspond to the gp2x's buttons.
You can quite easily take account of these with #define statements, and have a project which compiles for windows and gp2x
Kinda - wont have bridges but will be a scroller though.

For speed of development Im going to stick to a flat track. Comp cars AI will just be point to point. The collision against walls will be a lot nicer than Supercars IIRC they just kind of bounced off the sides of the track.

*edit* Nice site Tripmonkey - very useful :)
Unfathomable Depths posted on Dec 6 2006 at 10:19 AM said:
Kinda - wont have bridges but will be a scroller though.

For speed of development Im going to stick to a flat track. Comp cars AI will just be point to point. The collision against walls will be a lot nicer than Supercars IIRC they just kind of bounced off the sides of the track.

*edit* Nice site Tripmonkey - very useful :)
Cheers Unfathomable Depths.
The sites stll a work in progress, but the works slowed down recently due to me having limited internet access & exams for the next 2 weeks. Hopefully I can get most of it sorted out before the new year though.

The idea of the game sounds great & I'll be looking forward to trying it out :D

p.s The crappy collisions off the side of the track in SC2 (& the sound it made), was actually the only thing that I never liked about the game. Glad to know that your going a different route for that.
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