Wow, not bad

How long did that take you to hack together?
Tried it on Panda? I'll chekc your source .. curious what rendering style you're using.
I find js/css/html5/etc to be more or less a nightmare .. there is so much 'promise' (when they get it all sorted out, it will be almost great, excepting the worst syntax.. a syntax that makes perl people giddy), but instead we have .. SVG (may be supported by some browsers), Canvas (may be supported by some browsers, and doesnmt' even track object clicking like SVG does), and all the usual cross-browser pain. Trying to get something to work half-well and look good on iphone, Pandora, Android browsers, webOS and desktops .. its brutal.
js is a 'decent' language, but with css hacked in, and html4/5, and the brutal painful extensions that all mess with things, and the syntax out the window that will sometimes basicly 'compile' any random thing without feedback

Man ... just thankful we have Firebug for FF, but the whole end to end dev cycle for js-games is basicly throwing away 30 years of progress and praying a lot; you don't even get logging/printing 3/4 of the time, so you just hit Refresh and pray .. and maybe have to restart the browser too.
A lot of games 'want' to be browser based now.. should be (like the game I'm working on), but I keep restarting the client .. js/css/etc just suck for multi9media right now (cross platform anyway) .. like if you want music, or opengl, or etc .. so do you go native, and rewrite it all in a few years? or make it a web app and fight like hell for each browser and pray it wonm't break a month later?
Drives me nuts.
That said, I'm converting my native-client to a webapp now, but it pains me so