GP32 New To Game Programming? Supertux ..


hack hack hack, the little machines fight back
Oct 21, 2005
vienna, austria
... is a cool project to check out:

not only is it an enjoyable open source game bound to be an easy port to the gp2x, but the web site presents a pretty well-documented project that might be enlightening to anyone wanting to get into games programming for the first time ..

the other thing is that of course the supertux engine can be used for other things: if you want to make a platform game, that is. the graphics may not be super great (i think they're cool), but for sure the option is there for anyone who wants to hack around a bit with games to experiment with this project and see if they can come up with any new or more interesting artwork/level designs ..
Perl, isn't it? :D

Perl? I was thinking of taking a stab at it once I got more comfortable with the GP2X and SDL, but if it's in perl I don't think I'll bother, even if we do get perl on this machine. :( Too much of a hassle to wind up learning a new language just for this, and I'm really not keen on going through tons of perl (which I would have a tough time understanding) and converting it to C/C++. If someone else wants to do it though, go nuts.
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Where did anyone get the idea that there was perl in this? I just downloaded the source and looked through it, and I see nothing that would use perl... it looks like just regular C++ to me. It does require the SDL_image and SDL_mixer libraries though (Are these included with the GP2X's SDL libraries? I still haven't gotten mine yet).

Where did anyone get the idea that there was perl in this? I just downloaded the source and looked through it, and I see nothing that would use perl... it looks like just regular C++ to me. It does require the SDL_image and SDL_mixer libraries though (Are these included with the GP2X's SDL libraries? I still haven't gotten mine yet).


Good to know. I hadn't looked at the sources myself, I had just seen it on and figured it would be a good addition to the GP2X's library. I'm not at the point yet where I could reasonably expect to port this, though, so if anyone beats me to this I won't be too offended.
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