GP32 Commercial Programming License


Still Fresh
Mar 30, 2003
I was just wondering whether anyone around here might know of what is required to sell your GP32 software?

I have written one game already and would love to continue programming on the GP32 as I feel it's the one thats right for me, I also find the community of people extremely helpfull. It would be really nice however to work on a really big project, one that would perhaps take 6 months to a year to complete. Certainly with the knowledge of a possible European release this becomes an even greater possibility. The problem? - money! - To spend that amount of time dedicated to a single project, would have to mean some re-embursement at the end of it. Even a small fee for the benefit of downloading the game would be enough. We are talking about a couple of pounds here :) nothing more.

Obviously Game Park have some licensing agreements which I have no idea about, which would obviously need signing / paying for in order to sell your software. The other obvious thing would be that it couldn't be an FXE could it? as by there very nature they are Free eXEcutables.

If anyone knows prices, who to contact that would be great. Is it worth my time contacting Game Park or will they just ignore me?

Thanks people.
Craigix could get a deal with gamepark i bet.

If we can get a list of candidates for release into commercial then even id put in money to publish it :)

Maybe you can get joygp to publish i wonder?
i think that had some info.iirc the professional (the more expensive) development kit was somwhere near $9000 :blink:
the A kit is $1400, the b kit is $9400. A kit doesn't have ADS, but B does
I did see the bits on Darkfaders site, but I wasn't sure whether this was purley for buying the dev kits or included the licenses to sell the software. Obviously I have all the deving kit I need (GCC ;)) so I don't need to spend any money on that.

In the past with companies like Nintendo and Sony, you had to pay for the privilages of programming on their equipment, then you had to pay for per game licenses. In some cases you also had to pay a % of each games sales to the company in question. I guess this is what I really have to find out. I wouldn't want Game Park to land a bill on my door step for £1000's after I have made £100 from selling my software :)

Thanks for all the replies, glad there are keen people out there.
Ask Don Miguel, if you can find him; he programmed Super Plusha, (now commercial) so he'll prolly know something about dealings wth Gamepark and how to go about them...
just a suggestion but why not try a shareware style licence eg: download a full version but have it demo locked until you buy a passcode which is different for every gp32 hardware. accessing the gp32's id # in software if thats possible
Why should you have to pay GamePark? As someone not from a console background that doesn't make sense to me... if they make the console open source, they're not going to demand money because you took advantage of that. I mean, Microsoft don't require 10% of every program you write for Windows...
I know it may sound stupid, but for instance you could never "officially" release anything for Nintendo systems without first buying a special license that enabled you to sell your software, and this may very well be the case with Game Park. They might say "you must buy our official dev kit licenses before you can make money from our console" :)

I like the sound of releasing a free product, with a free download as shareware which you then purchase the key for. Technically you no longer pay for the software but for a key to use it so it may bend the rules just enough.

I will contact Game Park tomorrow and post any replies to this thread, stay tuned.
well... yep
there's GCC and you can use it for free

and if your game demo is worth playing/looking
it'll be approved by GamePArk team and u'll be able to finish it and get your salary.
GP isn't the big N. don't worry. I think you'll agree all GP's conditions.
Bit you should show a real thing to GamePark. You should make them interested in it. That's the main task.

Good luck!

I believe there isn't any obstacle for a real good soft.

PS I think that gp32's gold mine is to make a good tool like MoviePark / Flash Player / Internet Browser / Windups-like soft and sell it to GamePark.

Remember that GP32 aims to 18-30 years old group of people. They need such soft!
Gosh! I often watch anime with MoviePark. I don't play games 8)
Sounds very interesting fact, I'll be sure to watch the results of this carefully. I don't program, but of course I know people that do, and while the financial benefits may or may not be good, I'm sure that a lot of people could potentially be interested in making and releasing their own commercial console game! And, since the main criticism people have of GP32 at the moment is lack of commercial software, it could be very beneficial indeed. Maybe it won't be, I dunno. But it's exciting just thinking about it! :P
Thats all cool, Do you hear that RTj we should have another bash at that myst clone ;)