Still Fresh
I was just wondering whether anyone around here might know of what is required to sell your GP32 software?
I have written one game already and would love to continue programming on the GP32 as I feel it's the one thats right for me, I also find the community of people extremely helpfull. It would be really nice however to work on a really big project, one that would perhaps take 6 months to a year to complete. Certainly with the knowledge of a possible European release this becomes an even greater possibility. The problem? - money! - To spend that amount of time dedicated to a single project, would have to mean some re-embursement at the end of it. Even a small fee for the benefit of downloading the game would be enough. We are talking about a couple of pounds here
nothing more.
Obviously Game Park have some licensing agreements which I have no idea about, which would obviously need signing / paying for in order to sell your software. The other obvious thing would be that it couldn't be an FXE could it? as by there very nature they are Free eXEcutables.
If anyone knows prices, who to contact that would be great. Is it worth my time contacting Game Park or will they just ignore me?
Thanks people.
I have written one game already and would love to continue programming on the GP32 as I feel it's the one thats right for me, I also find the community of people extremely helpfull. It would be really nice however to work on a really big project, one that would perhaps take 6 months to a year to complete. Certainly with the knowledge of a possible European release this becomes an even greater possibility. The problem? - money! - To spend that amount of time dedicated to a single project, would have to mean some re-embursement at the end of it. Even a small fee for the benefit of downloading the game would be enough. We are talking about a couple of pounds here
Obviously Game Park have some licensing agreements which I have no idea about, which would obviously need signing / paying for in order to sell your software. The other obvious thing would be that it couldn't be an FXE could it? as by there very nature they are Free eXEcutables.
If anyone knows prices, who to contact that would be great. Is it worth my time contacting Game Park or will they just ignore me?
Thanks people.