New site for British Meet-up!!!


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
Visit site
Hiya all,

The new site for the Great British Meet-up (tm) is up and running. you can find it at :-

It currently contains a quick rundown of the current arrangements, a list of people who have registered their interest on the boards, and a form to register your interest in coming.

It's just there to get an idea of how many people will be coming, and for board members to see who has decided to come so far...

All I ask is that anyone I have listed thusfar, please re-register your interest through the form on the site, so I can get a more concrete idea of the numbers.

Also, anyone who wants to be removed from the current list, just use the form on the site to say so.

Cheers, and see (some of) you soon....! :D
Well my plan is to have a few beers with like minded folk, share some of my code assuming i get something worth showing done in time (thank you uni fuck up that lost my maths work meaning i have to spend half my summer hols re-submitting work :angry: ) and try and get some coding teams together for future projects. Play some RF games on our GP's. Kinda like forums, msg boards IIRC but with real life people. It also gets you out the house...... and down the pub :)
It's really an exercise to get a load of people on the board together and have a good laugh more than anything. Boards are always much better when you've met the people on them. Like I said before, I'll be bringing my tablet PC with a load of software for people who want it (I wont be distributing anything commercial GP32 though, so dont ask!). I have a PCMCIA SMC reader/writer too so if anyone wants stuff, then are welcome to it. I also have a CD burner, so if anyone wants more than they can fit on an SMC, they can bring along some blank CDs.

Another thing is... if anyone else if prepared to do it, or has one already, I'll get hold of an RF unit so we can have at least two GP32s with RF. That way, we can have a play.

Another cool thing would be for at least one FLU user to attend, as it'd be great for all us non-FLU types to get in and have a gander at it.

Also, like I've said before, the day will be recorded for posterity by camcorder and digital camera, so there'll be plenty to post afterwards. Again, all this serves to make the board that bit more enjoyable and friendly.

Anyway, keep registering that interest.... Already got one guy wanting to come from Denmark for it! Blimey!

Cool, and Cya soon.
Axeman posted on Jul 20 2003 said:
Anyway, keep registering that interest.... Already got one guy wanting to come from Denmark for it! Blimey!
Yay! I was mentioned! *hides*

I will (if I can make it - I still have to check my bank account and take the day off at work) bring a camera with me, and will fully document the whole event. >:D

A ticket to England isn't expensive actually, but I'll have to look more into it.
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Axeman posted on Jul 20 2003 said:
Another cool thing would be for at least one FLU user to attend, as it'd be great for all us non-FLU types to get in and have a gander at it.
I have a FLU GP32 and although I am new to the board but I do live in Bath so I could bring it allong if nobody minds having a newbie about ;).
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I think this is a great idea axeman

If 2 people could have RF links then you could just hand the gp32 to some1 else to try it (if they dont mind) or just unplug it and plug it into your own gp32 i think 4 RF links would be best for 2 groups or a 4 player game :)

As long as a few linkable games get brought along.
I would buy one but the only chance I would get to use an RF link it at the meet. :(
I'm a lonely GP32 user.
Good news axeman

The new fsms has RF support :D

Dont know it it works proper but its a good way to test it at the meetup least every1 will be able to download it and few games :)

Hmm just had an idea of swapping files over RF like game roms etc if the other person dosent have it.

hmmm not shuch a bad idea it be slow but its not for sending big files so its ok :)

I shall be purchasing an RF link and some Joygp games for this meet-up. I think its time for me to download some sms games for multiplayer fun, just a pity there isn't a bomberman game on the sms. it would be good if someone ported it before the 30th with rf linkage possible, HINT HINT. :D