Beta New Qt Apps For Pandora

sebt3 said:
foxblock said:
Of course there is, it's even defined in the PXML specification :)

But not implemented on pandora as far as I know ;)
Which is a shame, because it's one of those things that's preventing my Pandora from being as easy-to-use as my desktop computer.

I've used BeeSoft Commander for a few days now and I really love it. It's a great tool that does what it's supposed to and gets out of the way when not needed. Much better than the other file managers. The only thing Thunar has over it is that it has a few useful inbuilt file associations, for example archive files (.zip, .rar) assigned to Squeeze.

Actually, hold that thought. I just remembered that Jey123456's pnd_utils has something he wrote called "pnd_assoc" included. I wonder if I can use that to associate file types with BeeSoft Commander. Will report back...
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Ok, so I need some help. I open BeeSoft, go to System->Configure->Extensions, and get this:

The instructions for pnd_assoc are:
To use pnd_assoc, open your file manager, right click the type of file you want to associate, open with other application. select use a custom command, and in the command type, pnd_assoc pndname.pnd. in some cases, the default runscript wont support having a file directly fed. if that happen, then pnd_assoc also support overriding the default exec script. for instance panplayer is one of those. to associate stuff to panplayer, the command is pnd_assoc panplayer ./ .

Those instructions seem tailored for Thunar rather than BeeSoft, though; I can't right-click on a file.
@ESN: First about your issue that adresses here: As said, I believe the source of the problem to be the PXML. Streak is very active porter and I do thank him for several of his ports, but he rushes through things until they work somehow enough to his pleasing and then heads on to the next port.
The fact that with the latest HotFix the sorting of some applications in the startmenu has changed is probably related to the fact that the pnd_notify-system has changed and became more precise/strict. The only right solution IMHO is to get those PNDs right by changing their PXML-file and repackaging them. Maybe i will do this for BSC, but i can't promise it right now. In case you want to fix them yourself or for the community: Here is a quick overview of my way of repacking PNDs:

- move away the appdata-folder. I always do this to be 100% sure that the pnd is mounted without any changes made in the overlay
- as root mount the pnd without starting it by using the command-line-program "". Run the command without any parameters to get info about the options. An example for mounting a pnd is " -p /media/trans8/pandora/menu/application.pnd -m"
- as user (not sure if necessary, but i prefer doing it as user) create a working directory on a sd-card for example: "mkdir /media/trans8/workdir"
- as user, copy over the pnd-directory into your workdir. example: cp -ar /mnt/utmp/application-dir/ /media/trans8/workdir/
- as root unmount the pnd: " -p /media/trans8/pandora/menu/application.pnd -u"
- edit the PXML-file with your favorite editor. Mine is "vi" so i would run: "vi /media/trans8/workdir/application-dir/PXML.xml". Search the wiki for a specification about the PXML-file
- repack the PND. This is done by using the command "". Run it without any options for more info. It needs a bit of practice, and i had to configure the PXML-verification manually on my system, but maybe this changed with HF6 and once this is done, it's easy. An example for creating a pnd: "cd /media/trans8/workdir" and " -c -p application.pnd -d application_dir/ -i application_dir/application_icon.png -x application_dir/PXML.xml"
- move away the old pnd-file to a place where it's not found by the notification-system that fills the start-menu. Copy the new pnd to your standard-pnd-folder.
- try running the pnd.
- once everything is like it should and you closed the application, you can move back the old appdata_folder.

Now about your file-extension-configuration. In order to make it work, at least two requirements need to match: The application itself (within the pnd) needs to accept a path/filename as parameter, the run-script of the pnd needs pass that parameter on to the application. So for example if you would want to configure a imageviewer in beesoftcomander(BSC) for PNGs, you would insert either ".png" or just "png" (not sure what BSC wants there) as file-extension, and "/usr/pandora/scripts/".

Next you need to know which parameters you need to pass. In order to find that out, i would run the pnd of the image-viewer, leave it running in background, open a terminal and look which paths it uses as mount-point (/mnt/utmp/...) and as appdata-folder. Also i would look which startscript it uses in "/mnt/utmp/.../". Typically this is "" or the application-name with ".sh" at the end. You can also open the right file in /usr/share/applications/ that is related to the pnd with a text-editor and see which script is started on launch. This script i would open with an editor again and search for the line where the application-binary is called. To pass on all parameters from the start-script to the binary it often works to add "$*" behind the binary (with quotes). As an example: For the emulator "stella" I created my own startscript, where i changed the line './stella' into './stella "$*"'. If you do not want to modify the orignial start-script, then you can also create your own new one in the appdata-folder by copying over the old one and modifying it - just make sure it's executable.

So now you should have all needed info to finish the configuration in BSC. But first you should test the command-line with all it's parameters: Make sure the image-viewer-pnd is not running.Then in a terminal write something like " -p /media/trans8/pandora/menu/application.pnd -e startscript_name -a /path/to/a/test/image.png -b name_of_the_directory_you_found_in_/mnt/utmp/ -s . -d /path/to/appdata-dir/".
If this works, the imageviewer launches and shows the PNG, then all you need to do is to copy the whole line without the "" to the BSC-configuration-window/"Call Parameters" and replace "/path/to/a/test/image.png" with "$path".

Although that long, i hurried a bit while writing this. So i hope this is not too confusing and mostly correct. At least it should show the basics of how to configure this yourself. Feel free to ask me more about it.