New Pocketsnes Runs Terribly!


Dec 27, 2010
I dunno what happened or if something isn't right, but this new version is absolutely 10000000x times worse! Even the GUI lags. I would say my FPS are about 1 per second now. It makes my games unplayable. Now I am using this with GinGE because my Wiz won't run PocketSNES by itself, so maybe that has something to do with it. I dunno, but I am going back to the previous version. This stinks BAD!!
Have you tried running the new version without Ginge?

Are you running the "fast" version, or the "compatible" version?

Have you tried launching it via the LAUNCHER icon on the bottom middle of the Wiz main menu, or via GMenu2X, instead of launching it via the INI from the SD card icon on the upper-left corner of Wiz main menu?

What clock speed are you trying to run at?

i found the exact same thing. I also need to run throuh GinGE as my wiz came from thinkgeek. The emulator is so jerky i can't even click on the option i want because it jumps straight past it. If you try without GinGE and it works well let me know. I just finished deleting it and reinstalling the older emulator!! I didn't even think to try without GinGE first
HunterZ said:
Have you tried running the new version without Ginge?

Yeah, first thing I did. Previous PSNES doesn't work without GinGE so I hoped the new version would run without it. But no :( It displays a Loading screen, screen goes blank, nothing happens, and I have to reset the unit. Same with all versions of the emulator.

Are you running the "fast" version, or the "compatible" version?

Tried both. Same results.

Have you tried launching it via the LAUNCHER icon on the bottom middle of the Wiz main menu, or via GMenu2X, instead of launching it via the INI from the SD card icon on the upper-left corner of Wiz main menu?

Yeah. I actually do not have an ini because PSNES never worked by itself.

What clock speed are you trying to run at?

Tried default and then uping it. No difference.

Spetzie and I apparently have the same issues with it.
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Has anyone that bought a Wiz from ThinkGeek during Christmas gotten this new version to run properly? It's frustrating because I hear it's a really good update.
I bought mine a couple months ago and it runs for me from GMenu2X. Maybe I got a slightly newer batch though.
I bought 2 and they work fine. (except for the battery issue in the one :( )
I bought mine a couple of weeks ago and i can confirm that after running pocketsnes >2 hours(continuous) it freezes(at least on earthbound). A reset seems to fix the problem though (at which point i usually stop anyways for fear of getting an epileptic seizure!)