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Gary13579 said:
Problem comes when people are making games, and their button layout relies on a certain layout to make the game playable.

Imagine a PS1 game where X is accept and, say, triangle is cancel instead of circle. X/O feels natural, while X/tri feels like a pain in the ass.

This is why I'm leaving the buttons in the order they come in, and hoping any game developer does the same so I don't have to fuck with software button config JUST to make that one game playable.

Surprisingly enough, In Japan, it's the other way around. O is accept and X is cancel.

-God Ginrai
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Gary13579 said:
Problem comes when people are making games, and their button layout relies on a certain layout to make the game playable.

Imagine a PS1 game where X is accept and, say, triangle is cancel instead of circle. X/O feels natural, while X/tri feels like a pain in the ass.

This is why I'm leaving the buttons in the order they come in, and hoping any game developer does the same so I don't have to fuck with software button config JUST to make that one game playable.
I can see this as a problem on Mario games where the run and jump are next to each other, but as far as the game saying 'hit Y to continue' that is really irrelevant where Y is if you remap the software to where you moved it on the Pandora. The game will never say 'hit the lower most button of the four game buttons' it will always give a name.

Read my post above on what I think would be a good way to remap the buttons on the system. Well, I'll copy and paste it here so you don't need to scroll up:

Maybe a small program that you can download and walk you through the button setup:

"Press A"
"Press B"
"Press X"
"Press Y"

That shouldn't be that hard to code, could be an official Pandora utility.
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God Ginrai said:
Gary13579 said:
Problem comes when people are making games, and their button layout relies on a certain layout to make the game playable.

Imagine a PS1 game where X is accept and, say, triangle is cancel instead of circle. X/O feels natural, while X/tri feels like a pain in the ass.

This is why I'm leaving the buttons in the order they come in, and hoping any game developer does the same so I don't have to fuck with software button config JUST to make that one game playable.

Surprisingly enough, In Japan, it's the other way around. O is accept and X is cancel.

-God Ginrai

More than aware ;). I actually figured out how to swap the settings for the PSP years ago, so the firmware would use O as accept and X as cancel in the XMB.
The thing is, that still feels natural. It's very easy to move your thumb between those two buttons. Moving from X to tri back to X isn't as fluid.

A properly designed game will consider stuff like this, and if you move your buttons around, you're completely fucked. Honestly, does it *really* matter the button positioning? REALLY?
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second exodous said:
Gary13579 said:
Problem comes when people are making games, and their button layout relies on a certain layout to make the game playable.

Imagine a PS1 game where X is accept and, say, triangle is cancel instead of circle. X/O feels natural, while X/tri feels like a pain in the ass.

This is why I'm leaving the buttons in the order they come in, and hoping any game developer does the same so I don't have to fuck with software button config JUST to make that one game playable.
I can see this as a problem on Mario games where the run and jump are next to each other, but as far as the game saying 'hit Y to continue' that is really irrelevant where Y is if you remap the software to where you moved it on the Pandora. The game will never say 'hit the lower most button of the four game buttons' it will always give a name.

I don't think you understand me. Your first portion of your post says it great, making mario run and jump. Imagine if run was the bottom button, and jump was the top. Well, it's next to impossible to jump out of a run (eg fly in smb). A properly designed game will assign these buttons next to each other, bottom and right, or bottom and left... etc. If you move the keys around, well, then you're completely fucked, since you'll have to hit bottom AND top, which ruins the game.
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Back in the other topic, Cragix writes:

craigix said:
You can just (carefully) open the case and move the buttons around if you want to. We tried to use a layout which had not been used by any other big consoles. Remember that if you do move them you might have to adjust any software which names the buttons.

I wonder how "carefully" the case must be opened? I once had to open my Logitech RumblePad 2 because some buttons were sticking. Some story about spilling cream soda on it... just as with any other plastic electronic, you gotta be careful not to rip things apart and snap wires. But I wonder how much of a risk we'd be taking in unscrewing, then flipping, then lifting the top half... uh what about that delicate video cable... Hmm... Maybe I'll let someone else write about it before I venture in there myself.
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sverm said:
Back in the other topic, Cragix writes:

craigix said:
You can just (carefully) open the case and move the buttons around if you want to. We tried to use a layout which had not been used by any other big consoles. Remember that if you do move them you might have to adjust any software which names the buttons.

I wonder how "carefully" the case must be opened? I once had to open my Logitech RumblePad 2 because some buttons were sticking. Some story about spilling cream soda on it... just as with any other plastic electronic, you gotta be careful not to rip things apart and snap wires. But I wonder how much of a risk we'd be taking in unscrewing, then flipping, then lifting the top half... uh what about that delicate video cable... Hmm... Maybe I'll let someone else write about it before I venture in there myself.

but won't we violate the warranty opening it like that? I wouldn't bother, it doesn't bother me that much to wreck my warranty.
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Two things:

Is there a central way to change the key mappings in 'hardware' so to speak, or obscured to emulators so it can't tell the buttons have been swapped it just goes with whatever has been set in a central location?

Secondly, perhaps all of it is the final case apart from this upper part of the base that is the piece that had problems?
Gary13579 said:
second exodous said:
Gary13579 said:
Problem comes when people are making games, and their button layout relies on a certain layout to make the game playable.

Imagine a PS1 game where X is accept and, say, triangle is cancel instead of circle. X/O feels natural, while X/tri feels like a pain in the ass.

This is why I'm leaving the buttons in the order they come in, and hoping any game developer does the same so I don't have to fuck with software button config JUST to make that one game playable.
I can see this as a problem on Mario games where the run and jump are next to each other, but as far as the game saying 'hit Y to continue' that is really irrelevant where Y is if you remap the software to where you moved it on the Pandora. The game will never say 'hit the lower most button of the four game buttons' it will always give a name.

I don't think you understand me. Your first portion of your post says it great, making mario run and jump. Imagine if run was the bottom button, and jump was the top. Well, it's next to impossible to jump out of a run (eg fly in smb). A properly designed game will assign these buttons next to each other, bottom and right, or bottom and left... etc. If you move the keys around, well, then you're completely fucked, since you'll have to hit bottom AND top, which ruins the game.
Well, I meant to add that you can remap in most emulators also, I know that I can in every NES emulator in Linux and can in SNES9x.

Also, what is with the harsh language for in a thread where people are calmly discussing things? I picture you as a Gary I know but with huge blood filled vanes on his forehead that is sweating profusely and grinding his teeth. If that's the case you need to calm down a little bit.
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second exodous said:
Gary13579 said:
second exodous said:
Gary13579 said:
Problem comes when people are making games, and their button layout relies on a certain layout to make the game playable.

Imagine a PS1 game where X is accept and, say, triangle is cancel instead of circle. X/O feels natural, while X/tri feels like a pain in the ass.

This is why I'm leaving the buttons in the order they come in, and hoping any game developer does the same so I don't have to fuck with software button config JUST to make that one game playable.
I can see this as a problem on Mario games where the run and jump are next to each other, but as far as the game saying 'hit Y to continue' that is really irrelevant where Y is if you remap the software to where you moved it on the Pandora. The game will never say 'hit the lower most button of the four game buttons' it will always give a name.

I don't think you understand me. Your first portion of your post says it great, making mario run and jump. Imagine if run was the bottom button, and jump was the top. Well, it's next to impossible to jump out of a run (eg fly in smb). A properly designed game will assign these buttons next to each other, bottom and right, or bottom and left... etc. If you move the keys around, well, then you're completely fucked, since you'll have to hit bottom AND top, which ruins the game.
Well, I meant to add that you can remap in most emulators also, I know that I can in every NES emulator in Linux and can in SNES9x.

Also, what is with the harsh language for in a thread where people are calmly discussing things? I picture you as a Gary I know but with huge blood filled vanes on his forehead that is sweating profusely and grinding his teeth. If that's the case you need to calm down a little bit.

I don't really see it as harsh to say "fucked" in that context. *shrugs*

-God Ginrai
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second exodous said:
Maybe a small program that you can download and walk you through the button setup:

"Press A"
"Press B"
"Press X"
"Press Y"

That shouldn't be that hard to code, could be an official Pandora utility.

Global settings might be of limited use (what purpose do those buttons have, globally, out-of-game?). And each player might have different tastes when it comes to emulators, or games. I like the approach where each game or emulator has a config app that prompts for the above. Especially in the case where an emulated system might only have two buttons. Which two of the four you'll use is a comfort/preference thing.
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God Ginrai said:
second exodous said:
Gary13579 said:
second exodous said:
Gary13579 said:
Problem comes when people are making games, and their button layout relies on a certain layout to make the game playable.

Imagine a PS1 game where X is accept and, say, triangle is cancel instead of circle. X/O feels natural, while X/tri feels like a pain in the ass.

This is why I'm leaving the buttons in the order they come in, and hoping any game developer does the same so I don't have to fuck with software button config JUST to make that one game playable.
I can see this as a problem on Mario games where the run and jump are next to each other, but as far as the game saying 'hit Y to continue' that is really irrelevant where Y is if you remap the software to where you moved it on the Pandora. The game will never say 'hit the lower most button of the four game buttons' it will always give a name.

I don't think you understand me. Your first portion of your post says it great, making mario run and jump. Imagine if run was the bottom button, and jump was the top. Well, it's next to impossible to jump out of a run (eg fly in smb). A properly designed game will assign these buttons next to each other, bottom and right, or bottom and left... etc. If you move the keys around, well, then you're completely fucked, since you'll have to hit bottom AND top, which ruins the game.
Well, I meant to add that you can remap in most emulators also, I know that I can in every NES emulator in Linux and can in SNES9x.

Also, what is with the harsh language for in a thread where people are calmly discussing things? I picture you as a Gary I know but with huge blood filled vanes on his forehead that is sweating profusely and grinding his teeth. If that's the case you need to calm down a little bit.

I don't really see it as harsh to say "fucked" in that context. *shrugs*

-God Ginrai
I guess I just don't hang around people that use harsh language casually only when they are really mad. I don't know, I kinda want to know if Gary's a casual swearer or if he's really mad, I'm not meaning to push any one's buttons.
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second exodous said:
I guess I just don't hang around people that use harsh language casually only when they are really mad. I don't know, I kinda want to know if Gary's a casual swearer or if he's really mad, I'm not meaning to push any one's buttons.

In some cultures, the F word can be used quite casually and is used in public broadcast (I've heard it many times on some Quebec radio stations during talk, not in songs). But I've once said it in Germany and it was like I'd ripped apart a cat with a 15" machette in the middle of an all-white furniture living room during someone's wake.
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second exodous said:
God Ginrai said:
second exodous said:
Gary13579 said:
second exodous said:
Gary13579 said:
Problem comes when people are making games, and their button layout relies on a certain layout to make the game playable.

Imagine a PS1 game where X is accept and, say, triangle is cancel instead of circle. X/O feels natural, while X/tri feels like a pain in the ass.

This is why I'm leaving the buttons in the order they come in, and hoping any game developer does the same so I don't have to fuck with software button config JUST to make that one game playable.
I can see this as a problem on Mario games where the run and jump are next to each other, but as far as the game saying 'hit Y to continue' that is really irrelevant where Y is if you remap the software to where you moved it on the Pandora. The game will never say 'hit the lower most button of the four game buttons' it will always give a name.

I don't think you understand me. Your first portion of your post says it great, making mario run and jump. Imagine if run was the bottom button, and jump was the top. Well, it's next to impossible to jump out of a run (eg fly in smb). A properly designed game will assign these buttons next to each other, bottom and right, or bottom and left... etc. If you move the keys around, well, then you're completely fucked, since you'll have to hit bottom AND top, which ruins the game.
Well, I meant to add that you can remap in most emulators also, I know that I can in every NES emulator in Linux and can in SNES9x.

Also, what is with the harsh language for in a thread where people are calmly discussing things? I picture you as a Gary I know but with huge blood filled vanes on his forehead that is sweating profusely and grinding his teeth. If that's the case you need to calm down a little bit.

I don't really see it as harsh to say "fucked" in that context. *shrugs*

-God Ginrai
I guess I just don't hang around people that use harsh language casually only when they are really mad. I don't know, I kinda want to know if Gary's a casual swearer or if he's really mad, I'm not meaning to push any one's buttons.

Ah, I know plenty of people who think of "harsh" language as another level of expression. for example: "your character is doomed" can become "your character is screwed" depending on the severity of the crisis facing your character, and if there really is no way out of that situation, then the phrase might elevate to "your character is fucked."

I realize you're not meaning to push anyone's buttons, but be careful, because things like "what is with the harsh language for in a thread where people are calmly discussing things?" sound a lot like accusations.

sverm said:
second exodous said:
I guess I just don't hang around people that use harsh language casually only when they are really mad. I don't know, I kinda want to know if Gary's a casual swearer or if he's really mad, I'm not meaning to push any one's buttons.

In some cultures, the F word can be used quite casually and is used in public broadcast (I've heard it many times on some Quebec radio stations during talk, not in songs). But I've once said it in Germany and it was like I'd ripped apart a cat with a 15" machette in the middle of an all-white furniture living room during someone's wake.

Really? o_ô When I was in Germany, they threw around those kind of words without skipping a beat.

-God Ginrai
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sverm said:
second exodous said:
I guess I just don't hang around people that use harsh language casually only when they are really mad. I don't know, I kinda want to know if Gary's a casual swearer or if he's really mad, I'm not meaning to push any one's buttons.

In some cultures, the F word can be used quite casually and is used in public broadcast (I've heard it many times on some Quebec radio stations during talk, not in songs). But I've once said it in Germany and it was like I'd ripped apart a cat with a 15" machette in the middle of an all-white furniture living room during someone's wake.
Foul language has always been like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. Just seems so unnecessary and very rude.
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God Ginrai said:
sverm said:
In some cultures, the F word can be used quite casually and is used in public broadcast (I've heard it many times on some Quebec radio stations during talk, not in songs). But I've once said it in Germany and it was like I'd ripped apart a cat with a 15" machette in the middle of an all-white furniture living room during someone's wake.

Really? o_ô When I was in Germany, they threw around those kind of words without skipping a beat.

-God Ginrai

Must have been a different kind of funeral.
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Tuxedomask29 said:
sverm said:
second exodous said:
I guess I just don't hang around people that use harsh language casually only when they are really mad. I don't know, I kinda want to know if Gary's a casual swearer or if he's really mad, I'm not meaning to push any one's buttons.

In some cultures, the F word can be used quite casually and is used in public broadcast (I've heard it many times on some Quebec radio stations during talk, not in songs). But I've once said it in Germany and it was like I'd ripped apart a cat with a 15" machette in the middle of an all-white furniture living room during someone's wake.
Foul language has always been like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. Just seems so unnecessary and very rude.

I see you haven't joined the 21st century.
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sverm said:
God Ginrai said:
sverm said:
In some cultures, the F word can be used quite casually and is used in public broadcast (I've heard it many times on some Quebec radio stations during talk, not in songs). But I've once said it in Germany and it was like I'd ripped apart a cat with a 15" machette in the middle of an all-white furniture living room during someone's wake.

Really? o_ô When I was in Germany, they threw around those kind of words without skipping a beat.

-God Ginrai

Must have been a different kind of funeral.

Ah, I thought the funeral was part of the analogy. If you were actually at a funeral, then that's a different story. People tend to expect different language depending on the situation. I doubt the Canadian radio announcers were at funerals when they said the F word.

-God Ginrai
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Oh, I'm not making accusations or anything, I genuinely wanted to know if I was upsetting anyone. I haven't lived in very many cultures, just the US and Brazil, but both of those it's not normal to use 'harsh language' casually. Anyway, I just think when anyone uses them towards me they're mad at me.
second exodous said:
Oh, I'm not making accusations or anything, I genuinely wanted to know if I was upsetting anyone. I haven't lived in very many cultures, just the US and Brazil, but both of those it's not normal to use 'harsh language' casually. Anyway, I just think when anyone uses them towards me they're mad at me.

You can tell if they're mad at you by the amount of such words they use in a sentence, and also the context.

-God Ginrai
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MrBlais said:
Tuxedomask29 said:
sverm said:
second exodous said:
I guess I just don't hang around people that use harsh language casually only when they are really mad. I don't know, I kinda want to know if Gary's a casual swearer or if he's really mad, I'm not meaning to push any one's buttons.

In some cultures, the F word can be used quite casually and is used in public broadcast (I've heard it many times on some Quebec radio stations during talk, not in songs). But I've once said it in Germany and it was like I'd ripped apart a cat with a 15" machette in the middle of an all-white furniture living room during someone's wake.
Foul language has always been like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. Just seems so unnecessary and very rude.

I see you haven't joined the 21st century.

and i see 21st century took you away.

really, the use of foul language is not required

kids nowadays (and im not that old im 21) really give me goosebumps
ive found kids 10 and even 6 yrs with a language so foul i didnt undestand what he tried to say.
almost wanna slap em and choke em with soap
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