New Multi-Touch Opportunity?

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Still Fresh
Sep 3, 2008
There's a new technology that allows software-based multi-touch on resistive screens and works with OMAP processors and I was wondering if it would be possible on the Pandora. I searched the forums and didn't notice it being mentioned. Here's the link : [www]
This was already discussed in this thread (on the same date as the Engadget article ;) ).

The two word summary of why it wouldn't work on the Pandora: "special LCD".
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Sorry, did do a search but maybe didn't look hard enough... :(
Can a mod close the topic please?
(naw)mcx said:
goonaman said:
Sorry, did do a search but maybe didn't look hard enough... :(
Can a mod close the topic please?
No worries, either come one will close it.
Or it's going to snow ball in to a massive debate. That's the exciting part.
Yep. Especially if someone bumps a pointless topic for no apparent reason, giving people plenty of material to complain about ;)

I wonder if the Pandora's size and connector are generic enough that it would be possible to swap LCDs? I know that there won't be any apps that support multi touch, but it would be cool if we were able to add it anyways, "just because".
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Know what else would be cool? Mounting a chicken's head on a rhinoceroses body, you know, "just because"
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