New Led Light In Render On


Yes, no, I, this is.
Sep 13, 2007
Visit site
If you check, you'll see the new version of the render, but it has a blue LED next to the SD and WiFi LEDs. I can't quite make out the text - anyone have any guesses as to what this LED is for, or does someone want to make an official comment?

At the risk of spreading unsubstantiated rumors, it looks an awful lot like a "BT". That coupled with the color of the light should be an indication as to its function.

Of course, MW could just be screwing with us.
I saw that too and was wondering the exact same thing. Perhaps a USB indicator light, though the test looks like maybe "DT," or "ET," or "BT?"

I b cornfuzzled.

added: And in reference to Chip's above posting... Color me stupid but what might "BT" be? Or is this something obvious that I'm going to hit myself in the head for not realizing right off the bat?

Even more cornfuzzled...

p B)
LOL with GunPei2X! It's an indicator light to let you know that you have the Atari ET rom loaded and should probably brick the system to avoid serious risk to your health and wellbeing.

p B)
"BT" usually means Bluetooth and that's probably what Chip's referring to.
Sorry, I just figured a blue LED (probably) labeled BT would be pretty obvious.

One of the final missing pieces of the Pandora is the wifi radio. Several companies are making multifunction wifi / bluetooth radios these days. Perhaps the delay in getting the wifi chip was to secure one of these combo units.

Enough guessing. I will not get excited about this until we hear something official.
Battery light? Hmm... I don't know... a blue LED and "BT" says Bluetooth to me... If it's just a battery indicator, then don't use a blue LED because it will definitely be mistaken for Bluetooth by many people.