New Handheld Conclusion(i Worked Hard)


Still Fresh
May 15, 2004
I hope you guys took part in the disscusion yesterday. I know alot of ignorant people took part in it yesterday because alot of people totaly trashed the eve system. <<<web site. People were actully geting on the eves specs. And comparing the gamboy ds to the eve. Who the f>>> compares a gameboy ds to a eve system. Game boy ds will succeed because parents buy in to the monopoly just to get there stupid little kids off there back. I know some gba games are good but there not realy compatible with the older crowed. If you from the ages of 15 and 50 and you think kirby is better then halo or gta 3-vicecity then somethings wrong with you. I must admit that the design is a little bit unrealistic. But i dont think is ugly. And the final design will be more convenent, you will be able to seperate the two. I bet they'll produce a fancy case for it to. LETS FACE IT gp32 isnt the pretyest handheld out there, but we still like it because of preformence.
I also heard people saying that there not going to be able to play there favorite pc games on it . I know a whole bunch of games playable for example (starcraft(the greatest game ever) half life) quake 1 and 2,wc1 and 2, test drive 1 and mabe 2, and a ton of more games that ive probably never heard of. Wolfenstien might be compatble to because of the graphics card and ram avalible. I also heard people saying that the cant play video games without a mouse or keyboard. I think that the joy pad is more convenent then a mouse. And theyll probably make an attachment for a keyboard. I think that people should stop being ignorant and stop trashing a system of the future. I think this is the start of pocket lap tops. I bet 10 years from now were going to have 2ghz of power right in our pockets. Its closer then we think.
Its ok to defend gp32 but i dont think its ok to trash other systems. Gp32 is a fun system but it cant stand up to the newer systems coming out. I think that the gp32 is going out of buissness soon. Mainly because there not expanding fast enough. And they have to bring the goods to the us. Thats were all the real advertising starts. I think that if gp32 started making better systems capable of having sd media with no limit storage and faster cpu's with more promissing games' i think that the gp32 will succeed in the race. But if it continues the way its going then you wont be seeing GP32'S anywhere in the next 10 years.
Heh I was just thinking of writing something along those lines too.
Could you please attempt to get half of your spellings right and use something resembling English grammer.
cant...... read.... blocktext....

pleas format your text! :-)

If you from the ages of 15 and 50 and you think kirby is better then halo or gta 3-vicecity then somethings wrong with you.
you are 15 or 16 right?
If you are so excited about *newer* handheld systems, why are you stirring up 'us' GP32 users, who are in general pretty happy with their system - which is why we are on these forums.

If you don't like the GP32, why don't you piss off and start some Eve forums somewhere, where you and anybody else can kiss the arse of an overpriced, pointlessly specced, probably never see the light of day system...

No offence intended. :D
Bah, why would you want to pay about half the price of a laptop for a miniature laptop with about a quarter of the power and a tiny screen?
Edit: and not be able to run pretty much all the stuff a laptop could due to having like four buttons

^^^^ doesnt your keyboard have one of those?
sayqustionsaskanswers posted on May 17 2004 at 03:42 PM said:
If you from the ages of 15 and 50 and you think kirby is better then halo or gta 3-vicecity then somethings wrong with you.
I'm 27 and I'd rather play Kirby on a handheld than GTA3 on a handheld so I suppose there must be something worng with me then. That said, I'm posting a reply in this topic so it's fairly bleeding obvious that there's something wrong with me...

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If you from the ages of 15 and 50 and you think kirby is better then halo or gta 3-vicecity then somethings wrong with you.
Why? Cause it makes you hard? It's cooler? I'd rather play a classic, good game than a completely overrated one just because it makes you look cool.
Dude there is something wrong with you. Your the type of guys that are hipacrits. I bet if the eve comes out at an affordable price you guys will get it. I think 200 to 300 dollers is fair.
sayqustionsaskanswers posted on May 17 2004 at 03:59 PM said:
Your the type of guys that are hipacrits.
Just how are we "hipacrits"? Do you even know what that means? (here's a hint if you're gonna look it up: it's spelt "hypocrites").
I bet if the eve comes out at an affordable price you guys will get it.
Yeah, but the thing is, it wont.
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Of course the gp32 is going out of date.. it is at least 3 years old and that isnt bad considering the size of the company in terms of self life (and it is still selling).

If this handheld wants to have a decent foothold in the market then it has to go against the PSP as that is it's closest rival and there is no way that will happen.. the brand name carries it alone.. Depending on how fast the CPU is, (if it is the equlaivent of a P200 then UT/Q3 is the best it can do).

The DS.. nice potential but lack of third party support will be it's downfall.

The gp32 will still going on strong after it 'dies' just like the dreamcast as the homebrew scene is strong.

And no there has not been any hyproicy (sp?) here...
oh please, Kirby has/had much more innovation and humour than the GTA series ever had or ever will. Not that I think its a bad game mind, but I do think it panders to a teenage market, in that the violance doesn't enhance the storyline, it IS the storyline :)
I cant stand the GTA series apart from joyriding it is boring and HALO was *yawns* playing Kirby tho if fun.. Infact im gonna go lay on my sofa and play it on littlejohn :)
PinkSpider posted on May 17 2004 at 05:34 PM said:
I cant stand the GTA series apart from joyriding it is boring and HALO was *yawns*
wow thats possibly the dumbest thing ive ever heard
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If you from the ages of 15 and 50 and you think kirby is better then halo or gta 3-vicecity then somethings wrong with you.


I second the formatting of paragraphs remark. Also a dictionary is your friend, I'm not one of the people who insult people because of your grammar but when you're trying to show your point of view it helps to not sound like an 8 year old child with the mumps.

You sir are a typical example of why Sony took over gaming, you probably thought Terminator 3 was the best in the series because it had a girl terminator with boobies! And you talk about Ninendo getting a monopoly over the handheld industry ...

Give me Panzer Dragoon Orta over... well any game any day.

You also probably giggled when I said boobies.
bringoutthegimp posted on May 17 2004 at 05:36 PM said:
PinkSpider posted on May 17 2004 at 05:34 PM said:
I cant stand the GTA series apart from joyriding it is boring and HALO was *yawns*
wow thats possibly the dumbest thing ive ever heard
But its true; When I play GTA I just drive around and kill things. I dont like doing the missions. And HALO I had on pc and I played it abit but it was just boring... im not a fan of one player fps's really, I hate the whole objectives in games :/ Anyway thats just how I feel about games :)
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PinkSpider posted on May 17 2004 at 05:42 PM said:
When I play GTA I just drive around and kill things. I dont like doing the missions. And HALO I had on pc and I played it abit but it was just boring... im not a fan of one player fps's really, I hate the whole objectives in games :/ Anyway thats just how I feel about games :)
doing missions is the whole point of the game? and if you had played halo on the internet then you would have found that it was almost on par to starcraft as the best multiplayer ever (the comparison is in terms of fun)
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