New Gpadvance Version - V1.48

Torlus posted on Jul 2 2004 at 08:47 AM said:
So I think that the emulator could achieve to reach a good level of compatibility not-too-late.
great news to hear more talented coders entering the throng, welcome and the best of wishes! :D

Not wanting to sound rude or ungracious, but, what sort of time scale are you talking about when you say "not-too-late"?

again, welcome and good luck!
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diablo2 posted on Jul 4 2004 at 11:56 PM said:
take that zodiac

soon comertial games will be running great
Damn! Why did I give up on GBA Emulation and buy a GBA+Flash linker? Ah well, there's always ebay I 'spose.

I'd imagine that some Zodiac people are going to be downloading this and demanding it being ported. They are going to be very disappointment when they find out it's not possible due to the way it's written (there's no direct access allowed to the MMU for example). Then they'll complain about Gbaz for a little while longer.

However, they still might be able to get a Neogeo emulator in revenge with there higher system specs, so I wouldn't rub it in just yet.
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It is faster, but still have timer issues, also it seemed to get stuck in debug mode for me, even on Android Advance (which is perviously ran perfectly), and still handles the IO slightly wrong. BG/Sprite palette issues are solved. Some commercial games boot now.

Its improving amazingly - and (I think) its still at 66mhz, changing it higher does not work, so that is something to bear in mind speed wise.

diablo2 posted on Jul 5 2004 at 11:25 PM said:
thats great
especially now
i just heard that nintendo will still develope for gba even when nds comes out
Agreed. This, arguably for the first time in years, gives the GP32 a steady supply of commercial games.

EDIT: That we own legally of course.
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how could they shut it down if the emulator is already made
they wouldn't hear about it if is is not good yet
spray posted on Jul 5 2004 at 10:41 PM said:
obviously there are 8mb ones around, will zip support allow usage of these games?
Games have to be unzip to be loaded into ram, so no it wont.
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I couldnt find any commercial roms 4mb and under :( . So far all the roms Ive seen are 8mb ones looks like the only way to make most of the roms to work is to get the ram upgrade.
spray posted on Jul 5 2004 at 10:41 PM said:
i'm wondering, with ram limitations, will the gba games we can play be limited to the 4mb ones?

obviously there are 8mb ones around, will zip support allow usage of these games?

Don't worry - if this emulator comes to fruition, I'm sure folks like mashmods will offer RAM upgrades. I also suspect you'll soon see Craig from GBAX offering 200 mhz BLU's with 64 meg ram :D
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