New Gp3x Or Gp2x+


  • GP2X+ Now! A GP2X Replacement is just what the doctor ordered!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The GP2X is doing just Fine, no need to rush.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Gah, forget all that I want the GPX 5000!

It has 1Tb (Terabyte aka 1024Gb) NAND, 256Gb Ram, a 7D graphics processor (Bullet time never had it sooo good!) and is so small and portable I have to use tweasers to pick it up (gotta love the ingenuity of the Koreans).


But seriously, I'm also sick of seeing about the next gen GP2X, until they [GPH] mention it don't bang on about it. If you want one so badly sell your 2X's and wait for the XGP (or PSP etc).
We have been getting some awesome SOFTWARE releases recently. Picodrive, PocketSNES, CPS2, etc, etc. The GP2X gets better and better everyone day because its being supported. Chill out and enjoy whats available.
As far as I'm concerned, if there's a GP3X, it had better have a minimum 500MHz CPU, a FPU, and a decent GPU, and it needs to cost about the same as my GP2X + inflation and get decent battery life. Until that can happen, I say we support the hardware we have so that the software available has time to mature.
This was more of a gauge on the communities response.

Indeed a CPU disapating about 1W-2W's (not including ram, perhaps about another 0.5W) of heat may not need much of a heatsink under normal conditions. However radical voltage mods and RAM timing tweaks could make it generate more heat than normal, thus some very basic heat removal capacity.

D-pad mods are generally not simple unless:

You own your own plastic molding machine, have professional parts and experience.

99% of the people here LACK that. Thus a 'Pre-Modded' GP2X+ would be popular, also your warranty would not be voided. (Although the days of bricking on a bad firmware are long past... LCD dead pixels could strike anytime)
A Nice D-Pad is HARD to come by. (heck several popular consoles have had terrible stock D-Pads)

A predictable overclock on the system would be nice.
(Not everyone gets like 266Mhz. and mods are VERY tricky with SMD components)

As well as a 'common' high-power Li-ION rechargeable battery in something like a common format.
Thee Power supply would not have to boost the 2.4 Volt supply to the 3.3~ the electronics and whatever for the LCD/backlight quite as much. (Longer runtime, with less heat-waste)
WOW, the GP2X community is so AWESOME. If you mention anything like a future product, or speculate over it, everyone gets pissed. :rolleyes:
Anhaedra posted on Feb 6 2007 at 03:34 AM said:
WOW, the GP2X community is so AWESOME. If you mention anything like a future product, or speculate over it, everyone gets pissed. :rolleyes:

Well it is because there have already been *alot* of "wish" threads like this before. After awhile we get pissed because it is like the 7th thread like this in 6 months. Been here, done this.
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I am more than happy with the gp2x 2d support but opengl es would be really sweet. think of all the ports. but, whatever. i dont even care. i own a gp2x not some imaginary handheld that may not even be manufactured in the future.
iv come into this a bit late but anyway...

*breathes deep*

AAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! i hate these threads and shouldnt they really be in the other consoles section as its about niether the 2x or the 32 really i say move them all :) (or just delete them)

another thing i really hate is all the wining about the 2x not having a "decent" psx emu these people should be struck round the head with a large llama GRRR!!!! at them

*breathes again*

i feel much calmer now :P
norm said:
iv come into this a bit late but anyway...

*breathes deep*

AAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! i hate these threads and shouldnt they really be in the other consoles section as its about niether the 2x or the 32 really i say move them all :) (or just delete them)

another thing i really hate is all the wining about the 2x not having a "decent" psx emu these people should be struck round the head with a large llama GRRR!!!! at them

*breathes again*

i feel much calmer now :P

You just bumped a topic that's 2+ months old ... to tell us how much you hate these types of topics.

... and everyone wonders why I'm such an asshole? :lol:
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I have been reading the forums for some time now and I have seen alot of people who seem to be generally unhappy with the gp2x... I know noone really cares but here's my 2 cents:

the gp2x is by far an imperfect console system. when I purchased it and opened the box and looked over what I had gotten, my first impression was this: definitely NOT worth the $200 I forked out for it.

some of you know or have read the post about this but I plan to rectify the shortcomeings of the gp2x by repalceing the digital stick with a proper d-pad, install a USB host mod complete with an internal HDD (1.8" HDD from toshiba similar to those used in ipods and creative zens) install a wireless FM transmitter (not WiFi kiddies, but just a stereo sound broadcaster like an iTrip) remove the existing batery cradle and install a 3400~3800mAH NiMH recharga ble battery complete with an internal charger, at first I expect this thing to look like podzilla... probably half held together with duct tape and bailing twine :P eventually I will take the plastics off and loveingly replace them with something that A> housed everything comfortably. B> looks good.

What I am saying is this: if you dont like your gp2x, then dive in, open it up, learn what it would take to make the system do what you want it to. if you cant or wont do that, then go buy a PSP or a Nintendo DS, _I AM NOT DISSING YOU_! these consoles are prefabbed and tend to be more "up to date" but likewise, their life expectancies tend to be short.

the choice is yours, but forum posts requesting changes with no offer of assistance/villification are not helpful and tend to attract flameing.
IcoNyx said:
the choice is yours, but forum posts requesting changes with no offer of assistance/villification are not helpful and tend to attract flameing.

Are you referring to this thread only? because there are a plethora of threads detailing how you can make your 2x a better unit.
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purple_goat said:
TelcoLou said:
I haven't touched my PSP in weeks.
have you played around with auto popstation 4 yet?

... no, should I? :lol: It reminds me of that awful Chinese PSP knock-off :lol:
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IcoNyx said:
I have been reading the forums for some time now and I have seen alot of people who seem to be generally unhappy with the gp2x... I know noone really cares but here's my 2 cents:

the gp2x is by far an imperfect console system. when I purchased it and opened the box and looked over what I had gotten, my first impression was this: definitely NOT worth the $200 I forked out for it.

some of you know or have read the post about this but I plan to rectify the shortcomeings of the gp2x by repalceing the digital stick with a proper d-pad, install a USB host mod complete with an internal HDD (1.8" HDD from toshiba similar to those used in ipods and creative zens) install a wireless FM transmitter (not WiFi kiddies, but just a stereo sound broadcaster like an iTrip) remove the existing batery cradle and install a 3400~3800mAH NiMH recharga ble battery complete with an internal charger, at first I expect this thing to look like podzilla... probably half held together with duct tape and bailing twine :P eventually I will take the plastics off and loveingly replace them with something that A> housed everything comfortably. B> looks good.

What I am saying is this: if you dont like your gp2x, then dive in, open it up, learn what it would take to make the system do what you want it to. if you cant or wont do that, then go buy a PSP or a Nintendo DS, _I AM NOT DISSING YOU_! these consoles are prefabbed and tend to be more "up to date" but likewise, their life expectancies tend to be short.

the choice is yours, but forum posts requesting changes with no offer of assistance/villification are not helpful and tend to attract flameing.

I hope you keep some kind of photo journal of your work, would be interesting to see it all come together with guides so people can mix and match the mods they want.
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