New GP32 model??


Still Fresh
Apr 8, 2003
Is there going to be any new version model of the GP32 being released soon like the GBA SP?
I only ask this cos I dont want to buy a GP32 now and find out that there's a new model being released in a couple of months time?
There is the newone (not really new) with backlight from factory and there is GP64 but it will be out about 2007... ;)
Ok cool Im gonna get the backlight version once theyre available again in May. Have time to save some money now.
Is the GP64 just going to be 64bit + maby a better proccessor or will it have other things, too (3d card...)
No-one really knows... I assume it'll certainly have a better processor, and after that... it might depend on what Gamepark sees as the future of the console - if as a 3D system, then quite possibly. If as a super-2D get-stuff-from-online console (which is apparrently their new strategy), then possibly not.
To be honest, I'm not sure THEY even know...
It would be nice if they just released a version with an arm9 CPU that could go upto 200mhz, i'm sure that would not require much change/extra cost and it would be backwardly compatable.

And of course the snes emu would then be perfect ;)

Would probably want to squeeze in some more RAM as well
And who knows if Gamepark will still exist in 2007?

I really doubt that they've already started work on the GP64, with them still trying to make GP32 survive. It's a small company, there's not THAT much money to go around...

Personally, I think that they just said it to generate hype, as they did for about 3 years before the release of the GP32. :)
If you're a small company it takes much longer to get noticed by anyone than if you're a big company...