[New Game] Pewpewtris


Apr 8, 2010
~Stockholm, Sweden
So, I'm working on a game loosely inspired of Tetris. 

The AI is trying to play tetris, matching lines up. The player is trying to shoot the blocks to bits. When the AI gets an entire line completed, it solidifies and can no longer be destroyed. The game ends when the AI can't place any more blocks. As with Tetris, speed will increase as the game goes along.

Still very early, but here's a screenshot of what it looks like today:

Direction will be directly controlled with the left nub. I do intend on seeing how well powerups work, in that case, ABXY will be used for those apart from just shooting.
Nice, will there be a Pewpewmarioland too?

I want to be the red plant.  >]
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Slowly been making progress. Core gameplay (sans balancing, powerups) should be in place.

It is not polished in any way, so graphics is just placeholders, no sound, quirky menues etc..

I have no idea if it even starts, I don't have a pandora to test it on yet. libdarnit *has* worked in the past though, as Muon used it, so hopefully..


(A) is cancel/shoot. (B ) is accept, [L]/[R] is turret up/down, left nub is aim. Escape *should* quit the game immediatly.
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So, I'm kinda out in the last minute now, but I guess it's worth a try.

Finally, I've found someone to do most of the graphics, and a friend is atm trying to make something music. I am however missing a background.

So, if anyone feel like drawing one; I basically need a few tmx maps like those here: https://github.com/slaeshjag/pewpewtris/tree/master/res The program Tiled is used to edit these. You can re-use the same background for all three, just make the UI borders match up.

The borders in them mark out locations for UI elements. Black areas should be somewhat neutral. The gray area on the playfield background is supposed to be some kind of rail thing for the turret to go on.

When it comes to theme, I kinda had something like a "typical" moscow skyline in mind. You know, with the domes and stuff. Maybe up-side-down, since the game is so backwards anyway. Although anything goes I guess, it's just a solid color blue at the moment...

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Excellent! Locking forward to test it! Unfortunately I don't have time to help you making background graphics. Maybe take some public domain Moskwa graphics, add some "reduce color depth"-filters and that's it? ^^'
Okay, it's on the repo now. Didn't spend as much time as I wanted on balancing, but maybe I can get away with updating that tomorrow if I get some feedback on it.

Im going to sleep now, I'm tired :P
Just picked up your update from a fortnight ago, and played a bit more of this.

I wonder, would it be an interesting variation if the aim was like in normal tetris to make lines, rather than that being a kind of penalty? So you had to selectively shoot down blocks to make just the right gaps for the next piece.
Well, I guess it could start out as it currently is on lower levels, actively tending to give you the right piece in the right place, but as the level goes up it could just issue pieces randomly.