New Flu (overclocks To 200mhz)


Still Fresh
Jun 27, 2003
Dallas, TX (United States)
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Got a great deal on a new unopened FLU($160 US). I was eager to see if it would overclock to 166 like my Non-FLU did. I used the over clock test program and to my suprize this thing overclocks to 200Mhz no problem. How cool is that?

How many people have checked to see just how high their GP32 can go? I've heard that 200Mhz is rare on these. How many people are able to reach 200Mhz?

Also, has anyone gotten the MashMods FLU dimer chip mod? I'm thinking of sending this in for a Glass Scree, the dimer chip and the buttons mod. I have a glass screen on my Non-FLU and I'm curious if there are any problems with a glass screen and the FLU? I considered putting in the glass screen from my old unit into this one myself but I'm afraid of breaking the light guide.
my FLU goes to 200MHz aswell :)

but how can you test 200 and above? the clockspeed tester i have only goes to 200MHz....
my FLU goes to 200MHz aswell :)

but how can you test 200 and above? the clockspeed tester i have only goes to 200MHz....
Read a bit later through the thread. Mr. Mirko did some more versions to test higher.

I can only reach 172 on my BLU. Which isn't too bad I suppose, just hardly 220 ;)

At 172 I get:

Sound: off
FPS: 64/65

Sound: on
FPS: 62/63

With the BLU off I can run at 176 for a few seconds, with it on it crashes almost instantly.
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This links to the tester which claims to only test upto 200mhz. how do I test for 220 etc?

P.S What does testing it actually do? Does it figure out wether or not th GP32 can handle it? What does the Frames Per Second (FPS) rate prove?
I hear people say "Mine runs at 200mhz for like 10 seconds" what use is that?

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This links to the tester which claims to only test upto 200mhz. how do I test for 220 etc?

P.S What does testing it actually do? Does it figure out wether or not th GP32 can handle it? What does the Frames Per Second (FPS) rate prove?
I hear people say "Mine runs at 200mhz for like 10 seconds" what use is that?

It's about an overclocking benchmark. Read throughout the topic and you will understand.
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Mine runs fine at 220MHz in a cool environment for at least 5 minutes - haven't tested it for longer though; it could easily conk out at 10 or 15...
I hear people say "Mine runs at 200mhz for like 10 seconds" what use is that?

It means theirs can't handle 200mhz cuz it'll reset.

Mine goes up as high as 220, and I left it going for 1min and then I turned it off.
the FPS count increases as the MHz increase, meaning there is more power to process stuff (=faster emus and apps)

It'd be interesting to have a benchmark tool that pushed it even higher, say 260 JUST TO TEST (I'm sure that would be asking too much from it...)
Ok ok, i'm going to ask this regardless of the hundreds of OMG mine goes to 200mhz!!! post

It doesn't matter right??? Because of the 8mb ram, anything over 166mhz doesn't make stuff run faster right??
No, it does make things go faster. Thats why, for example, you can have better video in GPCinema at higher clock speeds (133mhz offers 320x240 @15fps, while 166mhz offers 320x240@24fps) or the snes emu runs better at 166 than 100mhz and so on.

thats why we post how many fps we get with the benchmark tool.
The problem with ram is that it's very you can't load big apps/roms to memory, and you may not be able to emulate things you would be able to with more ram. But it does speeds things up.
It is certainly nice to know your GP32 "can" go up to 200MHz or more, but it proves useless in any other application than the tester. The speed your GP32 can run at depends on how much the cpu is being used and the tester does not "squeeze" the cpu much. What I am trying to say is that when your GP32 runs fine at 200MHz in the tester, you cannot be sure it will run at that speed in any emulator. My GP32 runs at 166MHz in the tester, but in any other application is freezes at any speed about 133MHz.
Just keep in mind that the speed testers are not benchmanrks so they just tell you what speed you can go to WITHOUT excessive processing power usage.