About Modding A Gp32 Flu. Thanks For Help.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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i have a few questions.

1. Can i remove the front plastic screen of a gp32 flu without damaging the front light. ( i always use my gp32 nlu (non light edition) with no plastic screen, the clarity is better in direct sun) ?

2. Can i remove the front plastic screen of a gp32 flu, is it possible, even if its damage the front light or destroy it. :P

3. Can i change the gp32 flu screen for a gp32 nlu screen without too much hassle. ( my father is a electronic console video games technician. so i suppose its not a problem, he modded my gp32 to 200mhz))

thanks for answers
1) yes if you are carefull, the lughtguide is directly under the front plastic and scratches easyly

3) the screen is the same, just remove the light guide and you got a nlu
so if i remove the front plastic screen, im careful, the front light will be not damaged. BUT can i use the front light in a dark room, even if the front plastic screen is removed. ?? does it work or the front light will not be enough strong without the front plastic screen ??

thanks for answering my stranges questions :lol: