Removing Flu Dust


Sep 20, 2004
PEI, Canada
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I've done a search on google of the site and found the thread that delt with this previously but I'd like more information...

my FLU apparently (I don't have it yet) has a piece of dust or two under it's glass screen, could someone give me some detailed instructions on how to remove the particles and then seal up the gaps that allow the dust in with out hurting the front light or the guides...

basicly i want to know how to
a) lift up the glass screen mod and clean the dust off it with out adding more
b)clean the LCD if it has the dust stuck to it rather than the glass mod
c)put everything back together and apply a sealant so it won't happen again.
a)You have to disasemble your gp32 (use the tutorial on Cleaning the class screen should be no problem, I just used window cleaner liqiud (with my glass screen mod) I don know how the original plastic screen can be cleaned properly.

b)But cleaning the lcd is a pain in the ass, because you basicy leave more dirt than you take away. I used an antistatic eyeglass cloth, but I made no pressure on the lcd and just tossed the cloth over it a few times.

c)Again, use the website given above to put it together. But I have no idea about a sealant. But I would not recommend you sealing your gp32 so you can`t open it again.

I hope this makes sense, cause it`s hard for me to explain since I`m german.
Try and keep the atmosphere as dust free as possible e.g. pick a day when the weather is damp. Remove the glass screen and clean it. Remove any traces of double sided tape from the edge of the FLU screen - don't touch the screen. Put very thin strips of UHU White Tack (it's like BluTac but much better) around the edges of the FLU screen, and use a blob of White Tack to seal the hole where the FLU cable goes (this is the biggest source of dust)
Finally, when you're ready to replace the glass screen get a camera lens brush or similar and brush along the grooves (not across !) of the FLU screen as gently as possible, and quickly replace the screen. Press the glass screen firmly around the edges, and make sure it is sealed. Then replace the the grey surround - you can use a bit more White Tack here as well.
The glass screen doesn't flex, like the original plastic screen, and the FLU screen is uneven i.e. it's got a raised gold strip along it's bottom edge - this is why it's important to use White Tack, rather than double sided tape or glue, to seal the glass screen. You can also remove the glass screen easier , should you need to.
I've done this to my FLU about a year ago , and haven't had any dust problems since.
LEAVE IT.. who cares if its 2 bits of dust :P I tried removing a little bit of dust from mine and ended up with 15 x more dust on it... Plus If its on the light guide thing, DONT TOUCH IT, It marks and brakes VERY easy
I've done a search on google of the site and found the thread that delt with this previously but I'd like more information...

my FLU apparently (I don't have it yet) has a piece of dust or two under it's glass screen, could someone give me some detailed instructions on how to remove the particles and then seal up the gaps that allow the dust in with out hurting the front light or the guides...

basicly i want to know how to
a) lift up the glass screen mod and clean the dust off it with out adding more
b)clean the LCD if it has the dust stuck to it rather than the glass mod
c)put everything back together and apply a sealant so it won't happen again.

I wouldn't mess with it. You most likely will add more dust than you remove. The light guide has ribs on it that hold dust, and it is almost impossible to remove it. The light guide thing is VERY soft, if you touch it you will add scratches which light up like a Christmas tree.
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Don't do it man!!!??!!
I totally buggered up my light guide when doing this (And had permenant dark patches left on the screen).
+Light guides are not replaceable (!?)
If I don't like it, I'll just send it to mashmods

thats a bad idea as well :P

Azure (Think thats how his name is spelt :)) anyway, he sent his GP32 to Mashmods and it came back looking horrible with chunks out of it and buttons not working very well etc. heres some pics of what his GP32 looked like when it came back from them -




  • Case.jpg
    20.3 KB · Views: 189
  • Gap.jpg
    33.4 KB · Views: 181
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The light guide has ribs on it that hold dust, and it is almost impossible to remove it. The light guide thing is VERY soft, if you touch it you will add scratches which light up like a Christmas tree.

Haven't you read my post - You CAN remove dust from the light guide if you use a camera lens brush along the grooves.
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