New Fan Interested In Acquiring A Gp2x

I'm sure you have plenty of answers already, but here's my take:

1) Will some other consoles like N64 be able to be emulated in this gp2x? or is the PSOne the maximum this is going to get.

Some flat out reject any further advances in emulation, though I suspect emulation of 2d games on some more advanced systems might be possible at playable speeds.

2) Is the hardware upgradable? like can we change the CPU or if the screen gets shattered is it replacable?

You can change the body, but not the guts.

3) is the best place to buy one?

I bought mine from the official ebay store for $10 less.
Stefanau said:
is the GP2X-F100 the same thing as a regular GP2X?
It's just the full name/model number of the system. Just make sure that you buy from a recommended retailer, and look for the "MKII" (or MK2, whatever) version of the handheld. It has a grippier joystick and other such improvements although it does come with the newer firmware which has some flaws at the moment (this can be fixed through rolling back your firmware to version 2.0.0, there are others here who can help you with that better than I can). The price of the value pack (which I now believe is the only one you can get) at is excellent, and even though it doesn't specifically say MKII on there, it is indeed the MKII version as it comes with the version 3.0 firmware and is the value pack.

On a side note, the biggest strength of this machine is the sheer diversity of gaming you have access to. You can be on the run and decide you feel like playing a little Mario Allstars for the SNES; go ahead. You get bored, why not fire up Jazz Jackrabbit for MS-DOS? Perhaps you feel like switching to the arcade version of Metal Slug? Heck, a bit of Sonic CD wouldn't go astray! You get the idea.
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if you reside in the US, is best,

I don't trust Free wrist strap my ass! Free spam is more like it.
atomicthumbs said:
I don't trust Free wrist strap my ass! Free spam is more like it.
I assume you mean since prouble proclaims "Nothing here!" and links you to a gambling site?
I recently ordered a GP Link and glass screen from them (shipping to UK) and had no problem.
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atomicthumbs said:
if you reside in the US, is best,
I don't trust Free wrist strap my ass! Free spam is more like it.

i stick up for swiss... he is a awesome bloke, and his shop rocks!
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btw I have another Noobie question :):P
How much space do you need to store all the Emulators and A LOT of roms?? 2gb is fine or 4gb is the way to go?
Stefanau said:
btw I have another Noobie question :):P
How much space do you need to store all the Emulators and A LOT of roms?? 2gb is fine or 4gb is the way to go?

I'd say get a compatible 4GB card or you'll probably have to do like me and get two 2GB cards - honestly, if you run the NeoGeo and CPS2 EMUs you'll use up 2GBs right there! Add all the others and having 4Gigs of stuff isn't that hard!! Of course, you can always just copy stuff back and forth to your computer as you're playing it, but I'm really, really lazy! :D Be forewarned though, there are some 4GB SD cards out there that won't run on the GP2X - I'm afraid I don't know the details because, as I've said, I'm using two 2GB cards, but I know there's a thread or two about it here somewhere...
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I think that SDHC mem doesn't work (at the moment - driver change(?))...
Anyone know this for sure??

"What is SDHC?
SD High Capacity (SDHCTM) card is the new SD™ memory card based on the SDA 2.00 specification, introduced by the SD Card Association. This new SDA 2.00 specification enables SD cards to reach higher capacities - 4GB-32GB*. Because SDHC works differently then standard SD cards, this new format is not backwards compatible with legacy SD format host devices..."
(Deliberate repetition of "SD").

kevcal said:
I think that SDHC mem doesn't work (at the moment - driver change(?))...
Anyone know this for sure??

"What is SDHC?
SD High Capacity (SDHCTM) card is the new SD™ memory card based on the SDA 2.00 specification, introduced by the SD Card Association. This new SDA 2.00 specification enables SD cards to reach higher capacities - 4GB-32GB*. Because SDHC works differently then standard SD cards, this new format is not backwards compatible with legacy SD format host devices..."
(Deliberate repetition of "SD").


dont suppose anyone knows for sure about this? i'm looking at getting a new card and 4gb isnt a lot more than 2gb cost-wise
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There are normal 4GB cards and SDHC 4 GB cards. The normal one works, but non of the SDHC cards work so far.
Although, some devs have been working on SDHC support for Open2X, but there's no real new news about that, so I wouldn't count on that.