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Still Fresh
Nov 17, 2007
Okay, I'm not really new. I just wanted to make this topic for a while now. I've been here for a few months now, just not actively posting.

Well, I've had my F-200 since Christmas, and I love it. Any other previous handheld/console would just get my attention for a week, maybe even less than that. But it's different for the GP2X, since I always have something to play in it. I really like the long list of emulators in it and some homebrew games and ports(Beat2X, Cave Story port, ect). However, there are some things I want to ask:

What can I say about it? - I wouldn't normally say "I'm getting sick of..." because I'm just not like that. This is different. I hate the fact that I can't say anything back to people when they ask me "what's that?" Since I usually don't give an answer, some of my friends (jokingly) call it stupid names like Cheap PSP, Game Boy Adsuck, ect. I do tell them that it's not really old or cheap, but they insist otherwise since they don't see me playing FIFA 08 on it. I also don't say the name because people wouldn't even remember it anyway, and it just sounds a little geeky in my opinion.

Why not a N64 emulator? - I know, I know, "N64 emulation is not possible," not enough power to be playable, ect. Well, from what I've gathered, it is possible, but it just wouldn't be playable and no one would even make one anyway. However, I've heard that someone DID make a quick port, it just wasn't released.

I'm not trying to say "if you work on it hard enough, it will become fullspeed." I know perfectly well that the GP2X will never be able to handle it, and if it did, it would take like a minute to draw a frame on the screen or something. Knowing this, I still want that N64 emulator. I don't care if it won't even be playable, I just want to have it. Badly. If there was already a quick port, I'd be willing to pay someone to give it to me. I'm THAT desperate. :P

Best list of emulated games/games in general? - Having a ridiculous amount of games on the GP2X just makes it hard to just sit down and play one until the end. I know the world does not revolve around Nintendo and SEGA, but that's all I know(besides like other two consoles/arcades, being Neo Geo and PC-Engine).

Since I basicly grew up with a NES and a Genesis, can you give me recomendations of good consoles/handhelds to emulate on the GP2X?

Okay, done with the questions. So yeah, sup guys? Expect me to post here more often. :)
Also, sorry if there's misspellings/bad grammar on my post. English isn't exactly my first language.

Edit: Oh yeah, and this isn't exactly a "I'm new here" topic, it's just that I couldn't come up with a better title for this post. Just wanted to clear that up just in case it's against the rules to do these topics(since most communities I visit usually don't allow this).
First of all, welcome :)

Why do you want an n64 emu that bad? to show off? :P
Problem is, the graphical card of the N64 is VERY powerful, the 2D graphics card of the GP2X can't handle it.. So even if you had your emulator, it would look like crap.. You're probably lucky if you will even recognize the selected game, if the game will boot at all..

About the list, try a search.. there have been various lists throughout the forum. (like this one)
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What can you say about it?

Well, usually when I've been asked, I open up an emu, show the person the list of roms there, and ask them what they want to try. Nine times out of 10 it's Super Mario World or Sonic 1. Both immediately give them a good reason to think it's a great machine - however, that does slightly depend on your generation.

Otherwise, asking how many games they've got for their system and how much they paid for them, and them mentioning that you got all yours (probably many more than they have) for nothing (because you're only playing freeware games, of course ;) ) is quite good.

That said, they may simply be the sort of people who don't see the charm in old games full stop, in which case there probably isn't much you can do to convince them otherwise. They might be swayed by the CPS2 or NeoGeo emus, though, seeing as they look flashy (and a lot more modern than others).

Best emulated?
I know the feeling of having so many games that all of a sudden none of them are compelling. If I were to suggest a couple, though:
Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max Hit the Road (ScummVM). Both have long stories, look pretty, and sound great. If you're not after action, then they're amazing.
Sonic, Mario (SMS/Genesis/NES/SNES). For posterity's sake, and because they were favourites of their respective console generations for a reason: they're good games.
Yoshi's Island (GBA). Looks like a kid's crayon drawing. Plays like an amazing platformer.
Doom, Quake. Look and play very well indeed, if you want something 3D with guns.
Metal Slug (NeoGeo), something 2D with guns that's amazing fun.

Oh, and don't forget, if you can find the cash for Wind and Water, it's imo the most addictive puzzle game of all time, and the story mode is hilarious.

That should keep you going until you discover some more obscure things :)
As for some of the best emulated games, there are also some great RPGs for the SNES, if you're into that. Link to the Past, Tales of Phantasia, Secret of Mana, etc.

For more action, there are tons of great fighting games for the NeoGeo, including Street Fighter and King of Fighters. Look into the NeoGeo for fast-paced action.

Many systems have hidden gems, if you know where to look. Since you said you have the most experience with the NES and Genesis, check out the SNES, NeoGeo, and maybe a bit of the GBA for some slightly newer games.

It's hard to create a good list because the best games depend on the player's preferences.
Thanks for the replies guys. :)

gavie: I mainly want the N64 emulator for one, strange day that I'm bored to no end and just feel like playing paper mario or something. I played through Super Mario 64 DS at ~10fps without getting annoyed, so I'm used to games not being fullspeed. 1fps isn't that bad.

Tobriand: I haven't really heard of the CPS2 until you mentioned it, so I'll check it out. Also, I agree with you on the "Wind and Water" part. :D

Avik: Thanks for the link! I'm looking at games to try now.
1fps isn't that bad.. you're kidding. 1fps N64 emulation. 1/30th realtime speed. I would be shocked and amazed if you actually managed to beat it like that. Even if you managed to beat one level like that. You're talking about something 1/10th the speed of what you say you've played it at, how can that really be comparable?

By the way, where did you emulate N64 at 10fps anyway?
*NDS. Real old version until I found a fullspeed one. =P

I wouldn't really call it playing a game with 1fps, but just something to do when I'm really bored(which happens sometimes).
Find a translated rom of Monster World IV for Genesis. It's a REALLY good game, one of those hidden gems mentioned earlier. Pulseman is good, too. Both of those are platformers, both good. Gemfire is an amazingly addictive little strategy game, kind of like a mix between Risk and Chess.

Honestly Picodrive alone made the GP2X worth the purchase. What can I say, Sega Channel spoiled me. :P