New Dedicated Site And Forums Ready To Rumble


Sep 17, 2005
Norwich, UK
My shiny new dedicated GP2x website is up and ready to go at, themed just like our little linux running friend and combined with a phpbb for good measure.

If anyone is interested in helping me run, drop a PM to me here or a message on the forums- we'll need moderators who can post news/reviews and other goodies using the forums... all it needs is content and members!
fair enough, have a site and all as that will only foster competition for news speed etc, but I see NO reason to try and splinter the community with new forums. These forums are sufficient for English speakers.
Forums are acting as the CMS for the site, might as well have them open and active for chat as well.

Also. There are plenty of communities with more than one set of forums....they're not splintered, just big. There's absolutely no harm in having somewhere else to post at, particularly not if the forums and site are dedicated. Unlike.. say.. gp32x
WoD posted on Oct 19 2005 at 05:26 PM said:
There's absolutely no harm in having somewhere else to post at, particularly not if the forums and site are dedicated. Unlike.. say.. gp32x
A site which is dedicated to both the GP32 and GP2X is clearly much better as it will attract more users and more devlopers.
This community used to be more split between two major English speaking forums, but I think it is much better as it is now.

I do agree that a new domain name for here would be good though. Such as
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WoD posted on Oct 19 2005 at 06:07 PM said:
My shiny new dedicated GP2x website is up and ready to go at, themed just like our little linux running friend and combined with a phpbb for good measure.

If anyone is interested in helping me run, drop a PM to me here or a message on the forums- we'll need moderators who can post news/reviews and other goodies using the forums... all it needs is content and members!

Excellent job WOD! Adding to my favourites,cant wait to see some reveiws! I dont see what the problem is with having more than one set of forums to be honest you just get even more places to look for information.

Oh by the way how much bandwidth have you got for when you start hosting files??
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Ninjia^ posted on Oct 19 2005 at 06:03 PM said:
WoD posted on Oct 19 2005 at 06:07 PM said:
My shiny new dedicated GP2x website is up and ready to go at, themed just like our little linux running friend and combined with a phpbb for good measure.

If anyone is interested in helping me run, drop a PM to me here or a message on the forums- we'll need moderators who can post news/reviews and other goodies using the forums... all it needs is content and members!

Excellent job WOD! Adding to my favourites,cant wait to see some reveiws! I dont see what the problem is with having more than one set of forums to be honest you just get even more places to look for information.

Oh by the way how much bandwidtch have you got for when you start hosting files??

Looks great, but this is the place to be for all GP32 i`m afraid
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Oh by the way how much bandwidth have you got for when you start hosting files??

Unlimited. And all the downloads will be no bullshit, dropped in a folder, and indexed for your downloading enjoyment.

Currently have a 500mb size limit on the gp2x server though, but I've got space with the same host on a Win2k and another Linux server so a collosal GP2X-only file mirroring service will be in the works.
- The blue link text on the front page news items is hard to read.

- There is a one pixel gap between the body of the 'Featured' box and the bottom edge graphics of the same box.

- I cannot register because the email address editbox does not allow email addresses longer than 25 characters. My email address is 30 characters.
WoD posted on Oct 19 2005 at 07:47 PM said:
Oh by the way how much bandwidth have you got for when you start hosting files??

Unlimited. And all the downloads will be no bullshit, dropped in a folder, and indexed for your downloading enjoyment.

Currently have a 500mb size limit on the gp2x server though, but I've got space with the same host on a Win2k and another Linux server so a collosal GP2X-only file mirroring service will be in the works.

Thats sweet dude!!

keep up the good work!
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slygamer posted on Oct 19 2005 at 10:25 PM said:
- The blue link text on the front page news items is hard to read.

- There is a one pixel gap between the body of the 'Featured' box and the bottom edge graphics of the same box.

- I cannot register because the email address editbox does not allow email addresses longer than 25 characters. My email address is 30 characters.

The code says: size="25" maxlength="255"

That means the box is 25 characters long, but will accept up to 255.... either you're using a completely crazy browser or you just need to keep on typin'
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