New Coding Competition with 1Ghz Pandora Prize ?

- Dreamcast Emulators

- PSP Emulators(but i think this Emu isnt realy possible)

- PS2 Emulator(wohah cool Atelier Iris on Pandora)

- New OSses :)

AGain, useless claims on what is possible - yeah why not run windows 7 on Pandora too ! And MacOSX !!


And Ps2 emu? Come on...

Ps2 emulation is obviously not possible on Pandora 1 / 1.5 but should be doable for Pandora 2.

You realize current high end desktop computers struggle with PS2 emulation right?

There won't be that major of a jump in ARM technology by the 2014 estimate of when the Pandora 2 comes out.

No need to give them rational answers, they seem to think that Pandora 2 (if it ever comes out) will have 100 times the processing power of the first Pandora. They're in for a big surprise.
It could be bad for new programmers to get rated low on a first attempt, even if his soft is simple. Such won´t encourage much I guess.
Hm, I was new and won the third price in a competition with snowman. If the community likes a game and the developers is at least active in the board since then (not just throwing the game into the contest and then don't tell a thing about or even answering question or reacting to feedback), then even a new developer gets votes. :)
Something like the "clicks for devs" I did years ago?

Users would suggest devs and programs here on the boards, these will go into a voting and the one with the highest votes will get the money which is being put into a donation pool within the following month?

No app / game could enter two times in a row, there always has to be at least one month inbetween.

Worked well back for the GP32 :)

Yes that sounds good. A bit like Flattr with votings :)
In my utopian way of having a competition, let´s say we get 4 judges, they each should pocket something around 100$, should rate each app and do a single/couple page report on the reasons. The fifth vote could be a comunnity one. Would this sound strange? And yeah, some categories this time. Altough I´m biased for ´original´ app only :P .

@Ziz, I agree, there are votes for great stuff and new people, it is just I feel not everyone starting up would handle hard criticism in a good way, there could be a chance of offense, so I thought about avoiding such possibility...that is, if such ever actually happens/happened.
@Ziz, I agree, there are votes for great stuff and new people, it is just I feel not everyone starting up would handle hard criticism in a good way, there could be a chance of offense, so I thought about avoiding such possibility...that is, if such ever actually happens/happened.

If one cannot handle hard criticism, one should not develop software :) It takes nerves to do something, to fail and be bashed, and to start again and become better progressively. But that's better to learn the hard way than people saying "oh your program is GREAT" when they actually think it's crap deep inside them. I hate hypocrisy above everything else.
If one cannot handle hard criticism, one should not develop software
While I tend to agree with this it will depend on the type of negative criticism received. Saying something is "Crap" does not help the developer; What's exactly is crap? Music? Graphics? Gameplay? Is it buggy? Does it constantly crash? Is it too slow/too fast? Does the game make no sense? Did the user just not understand it? Were the controls poorly thought out/unresponsive? etc. etc.

What developer's really want is constructive criticism - the user's thoughts on ways that the game/app can be improved. Letting the dev know what the user liked and disliked about the software makes a real difference. Devs also don't need "THIS IS ACES!"

Devs always know that there is room for improvement, even on their own software. Star ratings do not help to improve software. Proper user feedback does.
@Ziz, I agree, there are votes for great stuff and new people, it is just I feel not everyone starting up would handle hard criticism in a good way, there could be a chance of offense, so I thought about avoiding such possibility...that is, if such ever actually happens/happened.

If one cannot handle hard criticism, one should not develop software :) It takes nerves to do something, to fail and be bashed, and to start again and become better progressively. But that's better to learn the hard way than people saying "oh your program is GREAT" when they actually think it's crap deep inside them. I hate hypocrisy above everything else.

I didn´t mean people to be hypocrit, I take your ´hard criticism´ to be what Ian stated as ´constructive feedback´.

On these lines, some people may code for hobby, things may be a bit on the crap side, but considering the ´first time action´ it could be a great feat.

Not that a compo is actually worried about the conditions around the candidate apps development, but I only thought about making it cooler for first triers.
Hmm, maybe some christmas compo would be a neat idea.

I'll try to come up with something :)
Hey ED,

If you do a new copo, you can put the GLBasic package I still have to get from you from the rebirth compo into the prizepool.

See it as a donation as I will have less and less time over then next months and it might stay unused here anyway.

Edit: If this is not possible, you can sell it if you like and put the money into the preorder donationpot.
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PM me your address and I'll ship you a new one.
I already PM'd you ED. TBH some of this is my fault, as I asked you to hold off sending it for a while waiting for my Pandora, then we talked about that puzzle game you wanted doing etc. etc. and I asked for it to be sent then. If you have my old PMs then the address on on there, if not don't worry.

I'm not that bothered about the SD card really, but it's acknowledgement for the many, many hours I put into DinoDefense more than anything.

Anyway, I was hoping that you were saying Go, Go, GO!! for a new comp! :P :D
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Just dropping in to say I'm not dead, just a lot of stuff happened since the last compo.

I moved three times with the wife and kid, crossing the whole North American continent literally coast to coast, had to get new job (visa F-up by the us gov's inability to standarize on date formats, mixing up 01/11 and 11/01),

lost a whole harddrive's content (I had backups, 99% of BBQ was saved, whew!),

had to do 6 days work weeks to finish a game project in time for the WiiU launch date,

and after re-installing the OS and restoring the backups I found new builds of BBQ wouldn't run on OP, issues with the EGL lib, I still have to figure out the exact cause and solution.

Things are finally quieting down a bit, getting back to normal (I might just have jinxed it right there).

I hope to be able to do some updates in a few months, I bought a Pandora from Link and already fixed the bug causing the window showing up 3/4 offscreen.
I'm sure ED wouldn't want to put 4 1GHz Pandoras up for prizes, so how would you decide what goes where?

This might actually be one I'll get around to entering :P

He could offer discounts (?) or some kind of a gift card (not physical) to his or Craig's online shop?