2010 Pandora Angst Coding Competition

I'm hoping to have something done for the compo too. The schedule is looking very bad right now though. I burned 4 days trying to get the toolchain working in Windows 7. I decided to give up and set it all up on my Linux EEE. Now I'm writing all this code on a tiny screen. I'll just have to use small variable names to keep the lines short haha!
xteraco said:
I'm hoping to have something done for the compo too. The schedule is looking very bad right now though. I burned 4 days trying to get the toolchain working in Windows 7. I decided to give up and set it all up on my Linux EEE. Now I'm writing all this code on a tiny screen. I'll just have to use small variable names to keep the lines short haha!
i'm using virtualbox vm on windows 7 with a prebuilt image from http://virtualboxes.org/images/. works very well for me, as i share folders and have set up a multi-os dev environment. i'm mainly coding in visual studio and just compile the binaries for the wiz with the toolchain inside the vm.
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this weekend i tried my game on WIZ the first time (during the 1 month of the development i used only PC) \o/
It took 2 days to get it work almost-perfectly on WIZ, but now i have the chance to have something usable in time
hope you finish your game, mine will be finalized the next days :)

just out of curiosity - are u working on a 3d or 2d game? dont need to answer if you dont want to tell. :)
@lorgy: am i allowed to add a "nosplash" commandline option? tbh i dont like the splashscreen stuff too much and it seems there are no 'big' sponsors that deserve such a big presentation :) i of course will add the splash as opt-out, not opt in.
crow_riot said:
hope you finish your game, mine will be finalized the next days :)

just out of curiosity - are u working on a 3d or 2d game? dont need to answer if you dont want to tell. :)

if you're asking me, it will be a quite simple 2D game, no fancy GFX or 3D effects :)
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When I started my project I had planned on 50/50 blend. Half would be 3d. Now I'm not sure if I have enough time to finish at all. o.O I'm making solid progress though. If I miss the deadline I'll probably release it a couple weeks after. B) :wiz:

I almost decided to say "eff it, its not worth it" when I saw bonus points were awarded to entries for the older GP systems. If I were to run a compo it'd be the other way around. We need to get the WiZ caught up. How about a WiZ Love compo haha! :wiz: :wiz: :wiz:

"Bonus points will be awarded for software for older systems e.g. GP32 and less points for GP2X."
BOOOOOO! :angry:
crow_riot said:
@lorgy: am i allowed to add a "nosplash" commandline option? tbh i dont like the splashscreen stuff too much and it seems there are no 'big' sponsors that deserve such a big presentation :) i of course will add the splash as opt-out, not opt in.

Sure you can, you can release an updated version with no splashscreen a week later if you like. Its your software.

As for the older systems bonus points thing, I just thought it would be nice for the Gp32 to get some love, its been a while between drinks after all.
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how will these 'older systems' be handled?
for example my stuff should be compiled/ran on any platform with SDL, but since i have only WIZ, i can't try them on other consoles...

Current Donations to prize pool:

Iorgy77 - $100AUD
SONY - $50AU
mac-10 - £25
relliker - 50€
fishybawb - $50AUD
Edy from www.openpandora.es - $250USD
Lafazar - 100€
stickfight - £100
Gruso - $50AUD
Trooper - £50
RIUM+ - $42AUD​

Pledged Donations:

fbustamantegamboa - 20€​