New Beer For The New Year!


NO! I don't play basketball
Jul 16, 2008
I got my beer done just in time for tonight's new years bash!

Its the maiden voyage of my new gear and everything went great! Here's a pic of my brew setup, it's not much to look at and was taken with my phone so excuse the poor quality, but it was very functional and that's all that matters.


We brewed on the 12th and I kegged 5 gallons of it last monday night. After force injecting the carbonation it was ready just in time. We made an imperial stout. It came out to about 8-8.5% alcohol and is very tasty. I used some oatmeal and chocolate and a whole pound of cascade hops along with the other grains. For a first time run of a new original recipe with all new equipment, I am very pleased with the result. If we had focused more on efficiency I Know I could have gotten more alcohol out of it but that would have taken more time. As it is we took 8 hours to do a rapid fire double run and got about 25 gallons of beer out of it.

I get out of here (work) in about 4 hours and I can't wait to bring in the new year with mass quantities of delicious homebrew!

Happy New Year Everyone!