Happy New Year 2006 Gp32x.com

I went out dressed as B1 :D. Our groups theme was 80s cartoon characters, we had basically all the thundercats, he-man and me and a mate as bananas in pajamas. Twas a fun night :).

(First post for a wee while B), hullo people.)
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Im not spamming as this is an off topic thread not in the gp2x section. Thus I am using lol to abbreviate (Ha Ha I woke up at 1pm:P) so therefore im not spamming.

daclassicgamingmaster said:

That was not cinstructive or implying anyuseful information. That was spam. I suggest a ban on DCGM.
really sam? Too bad i was saying lol here when I was banned. Have a look back about 10 pages

edit: woops thought this was the chatbox thread.
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Yes but your lol was implying nothing. Mine was implying an answer. I was around here long enough before you for people to understand. Now I suggest you are banned again.
Yes but your lol was implying nothing. Mine was implying an answer. I was around here long enough before you for people to understand. Now I suggest you are banned again.
my lol meant I was laughing out load at the comment, which i found funny. Sorry you lose
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just drink enough so that being sick is an enjoyable experience. Then you will wake up in the morning happy as theres no alcohol left in your stomach or anything to make you feel ill......