I'm not sure if this is a bug or it's intentional, but you can't move diagonally from a door square.
Also, is it meant to be possible to get trapped and not be able to proceed further downwards? 3rd floor down and a boulder blocked the only unexplored passage
Great port though! Really enjoying it.
Nethack sees the doorway as a special case due to the shopkeepers blocking the entrance when you did not pay your items. If you would move diagonally you would move past the shopkeeper (who would call for the keystone cops to get you!)
When a boulder is blocking your passage not all is lost.
Normally you can search your way through the level, you can "ahum" undress yourself and try to slide past the boulder. You could get a pick-axe, you could....
The saying goes: "The nethack dev-team is thinking of everything!" try things like zapping a wand of stone to flesh and eating through the boulder (I did not try this, it probably does not work but who knows :rolleyes: )
If you cannot go down further, look around for statues or other things to move, who knows what you find underneath
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